Hi! can you tell me the diference of using .LogOnServer or LogonInfo(0) with just una database?
I have a simple crystal report with a single formula and a a few VB lines. If I call the report using LogonInfo I get a "cannot find sql server" error (20599) but using LogOnServer everything works fine.
Here es the sub I use to call reports (obviously not the real one). Oh! I'm using SQL 7.0
Private Sub PreviewReport(Base As String, Server as String)
CR.LogOnServer "pdssql.dll", Server, Base, "user", "pass"
'CR.LogonInfo(0) = "DSN=" & server & ";UID=user;PWD=pass;DSQ=" & Base
CR.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Report.rpt"
CR.Action = 1
End Sub
I have a simple crystal report with a single formula and a a few VB lines. If I call the report using LogonInfo I get a "cannot find sql server" error (20599) but using LogOnServer everything works fine.
Here es the sub I use to call reports (obviously not the real one). Oh! I'm using SQL 7.0
Private Sub PreviewReport(Base As String, Server as String)
CR.LogOnServer "pdssql.dll", Server, Base, "user", "pass"
'CR.LogonInfo(0) = "DSN=" & server & ";UID=user;PWD=pass;DSQ=" & Base
CR.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Report.rpt"
CR.Action = 1
End Sub