I am using following code and I got this code from sample codes of microsoft but it is not changing the connectioninfo instead of using the same code.
Private Sub btnPreviewBasicReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPreviewBasicReport.Click
' In this event the Ten Most Expensive Products Report is loaded
' and displayed in the crystal reports viewer.
' Objects used to set the proper database connection information
Dim tbCurrent As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table
Dim tliCurrent As CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo
' Create a report document instance to hold the report
Dim rptExpensiveProducts As New ReportDocument()
' Load the report
' Set the connection information for all the tables used in the report
' Leave UserID and Password blank for trusted connection
For Each tbCurrent In rptExpensiveProducts.Database.Tables
tliCurrent = tbCurrent.LogOnInfo
With tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "ServerName"
.UserID = ""
.Password = ""
.DatabaseName = "NorhtWind"
End With
Next tbCurrent
' Set the report source for the crystal reports
' viewer to the report instance.
crvBasic.ReportSource = rptExpensiveProducts
' Zoom viewer to fit to the whole page so the user can see the report
Catch Exp As LoadSaveReportException
MsgBox("Incorrect path for loading report.", _
MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Load Report Error"
Catch Exp As Exception
MsgBox(Exp.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "General Error"
End Try
End Sub
I want to run this report using differnet Database name on differnet server , for example If I want to run this report on "ServerName2" and with database "NW" then I'll change the value of these parameter as follows
With tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "ServerName2"
.UserID = ""
.Password = ""
.DatabaseName = "NW"
End With
I did it but report is retreiving data from the previous connection info and showing data from "Northwind" instead of showing data from "NW" , Actually , the goal is I want to run my reports using different databases on different servers.
I've been doing R & D on it since long but now I am failed to get the solutions , can anyone solve my problem.
Muhammad Essa Mughal
Software Engineer
iLogic Inc.
Private Sub btnPreviewBasicReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPreviewBasicReport.Click
' In this event the Ten Most Expensive Products Report is loaded
' and displayed in the crystal reports viewer.
' Objects used to set the proper database connection information
Dim tbCurrent As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table
Dim tliCurrent As CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo
' Create a report document instance to hold the report
Dim rptExpensiveProducts As New ReportDocument()
' Load the report
' Set the connection information for all the tables used in the report
' Leave UserID and Password blank for trusted connection
For Each tbCurrent In rptExpensiveProducts.Database.Tables
tliCurrent = tbCurrent.LogOnInfo
With tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "ServerName"
.UserID = ""
.Password = ""
.DatabaseName = "NorhtWind"
End With
Next tbCurrent
' Set the report source for the crystal reports
' viewer to the report instance.
crvBasic.ReportSource = rptExpensiveProducts
' Zoom viewer to fit to the whole page so the user can see the report
Catch Exp As LoadSaveReportException
MsgBox("Incorrect path for loading report.", _
MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Load Report Error"
Catch Exp As Exception
MsgBox(Exp.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "General Error"
End Try
End Sub
I want to run this report using differnet Database name on differnet server , for example If I want to run this report on "ServerName2" and with database "NW" then I'll change the value of these parameter as follows
With tliCurrent.ConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "ServerName2"
.UserID = ""
.Password = ""
.DatabaseName = "NW"
End With
I did it but report is retreiving data from the previous connection info and showing data from "Northwind" instead of showing data from "NW" , Actually , the goal is I want to run my reports using different databases on different servers.
I've been doing R & D on it since long but now I am failed to get the solutions , can anyone solve my problem.
Muhammad Essa Mughal
Software Engineer
iLogic Inc.