After upgrading from Crystal 10 to 11 I found that when I tried to run a report (I'm using Visual Studio .NET) i got a database logon prompt.
Didn't find any help on the web and after a painful 3 days of frustration and hair pulling I finally found the answer. Thought I'd log it here to save anyone else from the same fate.
The reason my reports would not run is because I was feeding the data in via 2 XML schemas. I had created a 'General' Schema which contained a table that was generic to all reports - it contained fields such as report subtitle, logo, and other heading details. Every report was linked to this schema. The actual report data was passed in using another schema - a report-specific schema.
This worked fine in Crystal 10 but not in 11. So I had to copy my 'general' table into all other schemas and delete my 'general' schema. So now I have 1 schema per report.
Hope this makes sense and I hope this helps someone!
Didn't find any help on the web and after a painful 3 days of frustration and hair pulling I finally found the answer. Thought I'd log it here to save anyone else from the same fate.
The reason my reports would not run is because I was feeding the data in via 2 XML schemas. I had created a 'General' Schema which contained a table that was generic to all reports - it contained fields such as report subtitle, logo, and other heading details. Every report was linked to this schema. The actual report data was passed in using another schema - a report-specific schema.
This worked fine in Crystal 10 but not in 11. So I had to copy my 'general' table into all other schemas and delete my 'general' schema. So now I have 1 schema per report.
Hope this makes sense and I hope this helps someone!