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logon pages

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I am trying to make a logon page in a front page website that uses an access data base as its back end....any suggestions???
The book Instant ASP Scripts (GregBuczek Ch. 12) has a great ASP Login.

Below is another that I pirated from somewhere using SSN and Password.

Access table name is PassWordTable

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
if not isempty(Request.Form(&quot;Enter&quot;)) then
set conn = server.createobject (&quot;adodb.connection&quot;)
conn.open &quot;dsnname&quot;, &quot;yourusername&quot;, &quot;yourpassword&quot;
set RSEmp = conn.Execute(&quot;select USERID from PassWordTable where &quot; _
& &quot;Password = '&quot; & Request.Form(&quot;Password&quot;) & &quot;' and &quot; _
& &quot;SSN = '&quot; & Request.Form(&quot;SSN&quot;) & &quot;'&quot;)
if RSEmp.EOF then
TheMessage = &quot;SSN or Password were not found.&quot;
Response.Redirect &quot;./html/somewhereelse.asp?EmpID=&quot; & RSEmp(&quot;USERID&quot;)
end if
TheMessage = &quot;First you must Log In to the page.&quot;
end if

Create a Form with Inputs type=texts for SSN and type= password for the Password.

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