SMS 2.0 SP4 Site
We just built a new Windows 2000 domain to consolidate two company divisions. We also built a new SMS 2.0 site in this domain. Windows Networking Discovery and Client Installation have both been turned on and our 3 domain controllers have the SMSLogon share. For some reason, clients are being discovered much more slowly than expected. Close to 2,000 machines (various subnets) now log into this new domain and yet after 5 days, only 300+ have been discovered.
Even my SMS admin workstation has not been discovered. I ran SMSman.exe and it said it couldn't find any logon points. I then looked at the WMMANUAL.LOG on my machine and it basically said the same thing. It couldn't enumerate any servers. Here's a couple of lines from the log:
NetServerEnum() failed to return any servers error=6118
Error: unable to find domain controller for domain error=1
Possibly a problem with the Master Browser?
The strange thing is that 300+ from various subnets have been discovered.
Tom Thaden
We just built a new Windows 2000 domain to consolidate two company divisions. We also built a new SMS 2.0 site in this domain. Windows Networking Discovery and Client Installation have both been turned on and our 3 domain controllers have the SMSLogon share. For some reason, clients are being discovered much more slowly than expected. Close to 2,000 machines (various subnets) now log into this new domain and yet after 5 days, only 300+ have been discovered.
Even my SMS admin workstation has not been discovered. I ran SMSman.exe and it said it couldn't find any logon points. I then looked at the WMMANUAL.LOG on my machine and it basically said the same thing. It couldn't enumerate any servers. Here's a couple of lines from the log:
NetServerEnum() failed to return any servers error=6118
Error: unable to find domain controller for domain error=1
Possibly a problem with the Master Browser?
The strange thing is that 300+ from various subnets have been discovered.
Tom Thaden