I can't connect to BCM3.6 via LAN1(2)from IE, but from Terminal (via ComPort) or from cdm Window or using Putty I have no problem login to BCM. I have experinces with BCM50 or BCM200 Release 4. but not with BCM 3.6....
Yes, I was trying EM and also open a web browser and type the IP to Lan1 or Lan 2 - but situation is some. I was connected to BCM "via connection betwen two PC" and downloaden file "UnifiedManagerInternetExplorerClient.exe" and installed in my PC, but also was not helpful...
Thanks All, but no success.. stil I can't login ...
- Any Ideas what conjunction (version) IE + Java is Ok for connecting to this old BCM 3.6 ??
- how can I clear configuration or reinstall BCM (delete all or seting all to default) via telnet or serial port, except Configuration Wizard because it don't work by me.. I can start Wizard and set all data (region, DID or PBX, number of DN digit ...start DN) but when i said Apply BCM told " can read Input data" ...
I'll apply tomorrow new image on BCM HDD ..
I was downloaded 3x files from Nortel WEB: A36V1.GHO,A36V1001.GHS and A36V1002.GHS
I hope it will be solution for my problem ...
Have You some experience with applying new Image ?
yesterday was respond:
1. I was type IP in IE
2. I got logi screen
3. I was typing ee_admin and PWD
4. I was received white screen only with headline text: Microsoft windows NT Embedded 4.00 ....
today was respond:
1. I was type IP in IE
2. I got: page can not be displayed
My problem is resolved - after new Image was via GHOST to BCM HDD apply Finally I can Login to my BCM ... )) (5-minutes'need GHOST to copy new image to HDD and after next 10-minutes' it works... )
Login procedure work as well...
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