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Login error using External Authentication

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Apr 22, 2014

I have installed the Content Server Directory Services module to configure Content Server 10 SP2 Update 11 for external authentication.

In our environment we are using Microsoft ADS. For synchronization LDAP Read option has been set, and we are able to synchronize few of the users successfully.

On entering the valid credentials for one of the user in Domain\username [NTWORLD2\00001023] format with a valid Password, authentication is not successful. The message "Invalid username/password specified" is displayed.

Request you to help us analyze the issue. Listed below is the extract from one of the Connect log identified when Debug has been set to 2 with WantLogs as TRUE in opentext.ini

09/19/2014 17:55:28 INFO ..
09/19/2014 17:55:28 INFO [2516147191] 0000000480: --start of log------------------------
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO ..
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699505976] 0000012289: CAPI.Log: AUTH_TYPE = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699506142] 0000012290: CAPI.Log: CONTENT_LENGTH = '169'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699506298] 0000012291: CAPI.Log: CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/x-09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699506478] 0000012292: CAPI.Log: CurrentClientTime = 'D/2014/9/19:17:56:34'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699506630] 0000012293: CAPI.Log: func = 'll.login'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699506785] 0000012294: CAPI.Log: GATEWAY_INTERFACE = 'CGI/1.1'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699506936] 0000012295: CAPI.Log: HTTPS = 'off'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699507156] 0000012296: CAPI.Log: HTTPS_KEYSIZE = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699507300] 0000012297: CAPI.Log: HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699507441] 0000012298: CAPI.Log: HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699507591] 0000012299: CAPI.Log: HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699507737] 0000012300: CAPI.Log: HTTP_ACCEPT = 'application/x-ms-application, image/jpeg, application/xaml+xml, image/gif, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, */*'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699507883] 0000012301: CAPI.Log: HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = 'gzip, deflate'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699508025] 0000012302: CAPI.Log: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = 'en-US'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699508166] 0000012303: CAPI.Log: HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL = 'no-cache'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699508305] 0000012304: CAPI.Log: HTTP_CONNECTION = 'Keep-Alive'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699508461] 0000012305: CAPI.Log: HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH = '169'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699508603] 0000012306: CAPI.Log: HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/x-09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699508775] 0000012307: CAPI.Log: HTTP_COOKIE = 'LLCookie=lBdBugrUvjxlUL3hd6gDrBPtV7plsgtUBXgfVEc%2FHMLX7rRQcxmm5yNNfnfUOg8MJx9GGatveWtypQTCrZTo%2BA%3D%3D; LLTZCookie=0; BrowseSettings=e7rkWUcn9qASnLwoY6lumAiTa7hP8TbDaLCs%2BcnwD9o%3D; AdminPwd=dQCRTdaK6V2nxOLwEP7ImkYEJUk6qbxqUsWc1WtTy1BM8RIsilrYPJTgsClRDlms; adminStyle=all'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699508928] 0000012308: CAPI.Log: HTTP_DNT = '1'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699509071] 0000012309: CAPI.Log: HTTP_HOST = 'vmesx22s40'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699509214] 0000012310: CAPI.Log: HTTP_REFERER = '09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699509368] 0000012311: CAPI.Log: HTTP_USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699509571] 0000012312: CAPI.Log: NextURL = '/OTCS/livelink.exe?func=Enterprise.Home'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699509751] 0000012313: CAPI.Log: Password = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699509960] 0000012314: CAPI.Log: PATH_INFO = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699510174] 0000012315: CAPI.Log: PATH_TRANSLATED = 'C:\inetpub\09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699510399] 0000012316: CAPI.Log: QUERY_STRING = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699510613] 0000012317: CAPI.Log: REMOTE_ADDR = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699510811] 0000012318: CAPI.Log: REMOTE_HOST = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699511029] 0000012319: CAPI.Log: REMOTE_USER = ''
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699511244] 0000012320: CAPI.Log: REQUEST_METHOD = 'POST'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699511478] 0000012321: CAPI.Log: REQUEST_PROCESSING_DURATION = '0'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699511679] 0000012322: CAPI.Log: SCRIPT_NAME = '/OTCS/livelink.exe'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699511823] 0000012323: CAPI.Log: SERVER_NAME = 'vmesx22s40'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699511960] 0000012324: CAPI.Log: SERVER_PORT = '80'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699512098] 0000012325: CAPI.Log: SERVER_PROTOCOL = 'HTTP/1.1'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699512277] 0000012326: CAPI.Log: SERVER_SOFTWARE = 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699512423] 0000012327: CAPI.Log: Username = 'ntworld2\00001023'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699512586] 0000012328: CAPI.Log: _REQUEST = 'llweb'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699521079] 0000012329: ****** CAPIAllocConnect called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699523347] 0000012330: KSqlOCI10::SubclassConnect() before OCIServerAttach
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699558822] 0000012331: KSqlOCI10::SubclassConnect() before OCISessionBegin
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574113] 0000012332: KSqlOCI10::SubclassConnect() connect success. Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574214] 0000012333: KSqlOCI10::SubclassConnect() statement cache size set to: 0
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574307] 0000012334: KSql::Connect('local_orcl','LLFrontier','ADMIN','*','APIEngine','API100') --> 'SUCCESS',[sec: 0 msec: 50]
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574375] 0000012335: KSql::Connect .. ConnectionType = ORACLE
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574431] 0000012336: KSql::Connect .. DatabaseType = ORACLE7
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574489] 0000012337: KSql::Connect .. MaxLength = 4000
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574545] 0000012338: KSql::Connect .. MaxLongLength = 32767
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574599] 0000012339: KSql::Connect .. SubQueryBlobs = FALSE
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574890] 0000012340: KConnect::Connect(...) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699574967] 0000012341: KConnect::AllocConnect() .. allocate new connection.
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699575322] 0000012342: ****** CAPIExec called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699576021] 0000012343: KSqlCursor::Open(201f,'select * from KIni where IniSection = 'Livelink.VersionInfo' and IniKeyword = 'DatabaseVersion'') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699576117] 0000012344: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699576186] 0000012345: KSqlCursor::Bind(0,{}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699576657] 0000012346: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INISECTION','INIKEYWORD','INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699577214] 0000012347: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Livelink.VersionInfo','DatabaseVersion','{6,1,3}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699577589] 0000012348: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699577728] 0000012349: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699577912] 0000012350: ****** CAPIAllocLogin called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699579012] 0000012351: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select a.*,b.OwnerID GroupOwnerID,b.Type GroupType,b.Name GroupName,b.UserData GroupUserData from KUAF a,KUAF b where a.Type=:A1 and a.SpaceID=:A2 and a.Name=:A3 and a.GroupID=b.ID') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699579097] 0000012352: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699579209] 0000012353: KSqlCursor::Bind(3,{0,0,'Admin'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699580227] 0000012355: KSqlCursor::Fetch({1000,1000,0,0,'Admin',?,?,0,'xxxxxx',1001,16777215,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,1000,1,'DefaultGroup',?}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699580615] 0000012356: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:31 INFO [2699580805] 0000012357: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699580937] 0000012358: KUAFUser::Get(Admin) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699581621] 0000012359: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select * from KState where StateID=:A1') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699581701] 0000012360: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699581782] 0000012361: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{2}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699582307] 0000012362: KSqlCursor::Execute({'STATEID','STATENUM','STATEUSERNUM'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699582414] 0000012363: KSqlCursor::Fetch({2,304,0}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699582502] 0000012364: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699582600] 0000012365: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699583117] 0000012366: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select * from KState where StateID=:A1') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699583196] 0000012367: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699583276] 0000012368: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{3}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699583836] 0000012369: KSqlCursor::Execute({'STATEID','STATENUM','STATEUSERNUM'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699583943] 0000012370: KSqlCursor::Fetch({3,35902,0}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699584030] 0000012371: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699584128] 0000012372: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699584765] 0000012373: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select * from KState where StateID=:A1') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699584845] 0000012374: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699584926] 0000012375: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{4}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699585527] 0000012376: KSqlCursor::Execute({'STATEID','STATENUM','STATEUSERNUM'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699585634] 0000012377: KSqlCursor::Fetch({4,2,0}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699585722] 0000012378: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699585827] 0000012379: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699585906] 0000012380: ****** CAPIExec called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699586820] 0000012381: KSqlCursor::Open(201f,'select sl.LanguageCode, sl.LanguageName, sl.LanguageNameLocal, ml.Enabled from SystemLanguages sl, MetadataLanguages ml where sl.LanguageCode = ml.LanguageCode') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699586904] 0000012382: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699586971] 0000012383: KSqlCursor::Bind(0,{}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699587942] 0000012384: KSqlCursor::Execute({'LANGUAGECODE','LANGUAGENAME','LANGUAGENAMELOCAL','ENABLED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699588056] 0000012385: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'en','English','English',1}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699588445] 0000012386: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699588572] 0000012387: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699589097] 0000012388: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select * from KState where StateID=:A1') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699589176] 0000012389: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699589257] 0000012390: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{1}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699589812] 0000012391: KSqlCursor::Execute({'STATEID','STATENUM','STATEUSERNUM'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699589919] 0000012392: KSqlCursor::Fetch({1,5,0}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699590006] 0000012393: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699590106] 0000012394: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699590619] 0000012395: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select * from KState where StateID=:A1') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699590717] 0000012396: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699590833] 0000012397: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{1000}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699591396] 0000012398: KSqlCursor::Execute({'STATEID','STATENUM','STATEUSERNUM'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699591517] 0000012399: KSqlCursor::Fetch({1000,0,0}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699591610] 0000012400: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699591709] 0000012401: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699592560] 0000012402: KSqlCursor::Open(20ff,'select a.ID,a.OwnerID,a.Type,a.SpaceID,a.Name,a.LeaderID,a.UserPrivileges from KUAF a where a.ID in (select distinct b.ID from KUAFChildren b start with b.ChildID=:A1 connect by nocycle prior b.ID=b.ChildID)') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699592676] 0000012403: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699592790] 0000012404: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{1000}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699594496] 0000012405: KSqlCursor::Execute({'ID','OWNERID','TYPE','SPACEID','NAME','LEADERID','USERPRIVILEGES'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699594615] 0000012406: KSqlCursor::Fetch({1001,1000,1,0,'DefaultGroup',?,?}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699595162] 0000012407: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 3 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699595270] 0000012408: KSqlCursor::Fetch({5966,5964,5963,0,'Guests',5964,?}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699595365] 0000012409: KSqlCursor::Fetch({5964,5964,5963,0,'Coordinators',5964,?}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699595456] 0000012410: KSqlCursor::Fetch({5965,5964,5963,0,'Members',5964,?}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699595553] 0000012411: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699595668] 0000012412: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',4 records,[sec: 0 msec: 3]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699596307] 0000012413: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select ID,OwnerID,Type,SpaceID,Name,LeaderID,UserPrivileges from KUAF where ID=:A1') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699596388] 0000012414: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699596559] 0000012415: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{1000}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699597113] 0000012416: KSqlCursor::Execute({'ID','OWNERID','TYPE','SPACEID','NAME','LEADERID','USERPRIVILEGES'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699597227] 0000012417: KSqlCursor::Fetch({1000,1000,0,0,'Admin',?,16777215}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699597510] 0000012418: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699597627] 0000012419: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699597709] 0000012420: KUAF::RightsListByID(1000) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699598394] 0000012421: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select distinct ProxyType from KUAFProxy where ProxyID=:A1 order by ProxyType') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699598477] 0000012422: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699598560] 0000012423: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{1000}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699599044] 0000012424: KSqlCursor::Execute({'PROXYTYPE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699599138] 0000012425: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699599246] 0000012426: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699599317] 0000012427: KLogin::ReloadUserRightsList(Admin) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699599379] 0000012428: KLogin::Login(Admin) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699599441] 0000012429: KLogin::AllocLogin() .. allocate new login.
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699600901] 0000012430: ****** CAPIIniList( Module.VersionInfo ) called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699601559] 0000012431: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select * from KIni where IniSection=:A1 order by IniKeyword') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699601695] 0000012432: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699601792] 0000012433: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{'Module.VersionInfo'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699602478] 0000012434: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INISECTION','INIKEYWORD','INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699603009] 0000012435: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','Classification','{1,0,10}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699603716] 0000012436: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','PhysicalObjects','{5,5,2}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699604440] 0000012437: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','RecMan','{5,5,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699605147] 0000012438: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','WebSystemObj','{8,0,46}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699605910] 0000012439: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','appearances','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699606604] 0000012440: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','bestbets','{1,1,1}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699607295] 0000012441: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','collections','{1,0,8}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699608220] 0000012442: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','dc','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699608963] 0000012443: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','directory','{1,0,2}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699609692] 0000012444: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','distributedagent','{1,0,8}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699610380] 0000012445: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','indexobject','{1,0,1}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699611112] 0000012446: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','itemtemplate','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699611861] 0000012447: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','multifile','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699612962] 0000012448: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','polling','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699613750] 0000012449: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','pstage','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699614486] 0000012450: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','recommender','{1,1,11}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699615275] 0000012451: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','report','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699615973] 0000012452: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','searchstats','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699616661] 0000012453: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','storageprovider','{1,1,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699617350] 0000012454: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','undelete','{1,0,1}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699618041] 0000012455: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','webprospector','{4,0,5}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699618729] 0000012456: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','websovmgmt','{8,0,8}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699619417] 0000012457: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','webwork','{8,0,9}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699620125] 0000012458: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Module.VersionInfo','xmlsearch','{1,0,0}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699620449] 0000012459: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699620568] 0000012460: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',24 records,[sec: 0 msec: 19]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699625586] 0000012461: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699625668] 0000012462: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699625758] 0000012463: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'StorageProviderConfigCache','ConfigCache.Version'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699626234] 0000012464: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699626730] 0000012465: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'6939215'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699627022] 0000012466: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699627137] 0000012467: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699627226] 0000012468: ****** CAPIIniGet( StorageProviderConfigCache, ConfigCache.Version ) returned 6939215
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699627776] 0000012469: ****** CAPIIniList( Livelink.LogicalProviders ) called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699628274] 0000012470: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select * from KIni where IniSection=:A1 order by IniKeyword') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699628354] 0000012471: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699628439] 0000012472: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{'Livelink.LogicalProviders'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699628964] 0000012473: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INISECTION','INIKEYWORD','INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699629471] 0000012474: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Livelink.LogicalProviders','Default','{\'SQL\',\'\'}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699629824] 0000012475: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699629941] 0000012476: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699630683] 0000012477: ****** CAPIIniList( Livelink.LogicalProviderRules ) called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699631245] 0000012478: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select * from KIni where IniSection=:A1 order by IniKeyword') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699631325] 0000012479: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699631418] 0000012480: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{'Livelink.LogicalProviderRules'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699631949] 0000012481: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INISECTION','INIKEYWORD','INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699632449] 0000012482: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'Livelink.LogicalProviderRules','9999','{\'Default\',6,?}'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699632773] 0000012483: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699632890] 0000012484: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699635376] 0000012485: ****** CAPIUserInfo returned R<'ID'=1000,...>
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699635493] 0000012486: ****** CAPIUserID returned 1000
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699635591] 0000012487: ****** DAPIAllocSession called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699636143] 0000012488: KSqlCursor::Open(2014,'select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name=:A1 order by Column_Id') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699636223] 0000012489: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699636309] 0000012490: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{'DTREECORE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699637664] 0000012491: KSqlCursor::Execute({'COLUMN_NAME'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699637766] 0000012492: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'OWNERID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638073] 0000012493: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 21 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638165] 0000012494: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'PARENTID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638247] 0000012495: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATAID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638326] 0000012496: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'NAME'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638421] 0000012497: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ORIGINOWNERID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638503] 0000012498: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ORIGINDATAID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638581] 0000012499: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'USERID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638659] 0000012500: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GROUPID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638758] 0000012501: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'UPERMISSIONS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638844] 0000012502: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GPERMISSIONS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699638925] 0000012503: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'WPERMISSIONS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639003] 0000012504: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'SPERMISSIONS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639082] 0000012505: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ACLCOUNT'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639160] 0000012506: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'PERMID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639239] 0000012507: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATATYPE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639317] 0000012508: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CREATEDBY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639403] 0000012509: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CREATEDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639497] 0000012510: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MODIFIEDBY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639580] 0000012511: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MODIFYDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639659] 0000012512: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MAXVERS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639742] 0000012513: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RESERVED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699639823] 0000012514: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RESERVEDBY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640157] 0000012515: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 21 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640249] 0000012516: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RESERVEDDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640330] 0000012517: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERSIONNUM'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640409] 0000012518: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DCOMMENT'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640487] 0000012519: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DCATEGORY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640565] 0000012520: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'SUBTYPE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640642] 0000012521: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'EXATT1'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640719] 0000012522: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'EXATT2'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640801] 0000012523: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ORDERING'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640879] 0000012524: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MAJOR'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699640957] 0000012525: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MINOR'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641036] 0000012526: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RELEASEREF'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641113] 0000012527: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CHILDCOUNT'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641192] 0000012528: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ASSIGNEDTO'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641270] 0000012529: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATEASSIGNED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641349] 0000012530: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATEEFFECTIVE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641427] 0000012531: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATEEXPIRATION'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641534] 0000012532: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATEDUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641640] 0000012533: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATESTARTED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641728] 0000012534: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATECOMPLETED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641831] 0000012535: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'STATUS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699641928] 0000012536: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'PRIORITY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699642351] 0000012537: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 6 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699642446] 0000012538: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GIF'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699642528] 0000012539: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'EXTENDEDDATA'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699642607] 0000012540: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CATALOG'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699642687] 0000012541: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CACHEEXPIRATION'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699642765] 0000012542: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DELETED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699642847] 0000012543: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GUID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699642925] 0000012544: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699643023] 0000012545: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',49 records,[sec: 0 msec: 7]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699643689] 0000012546: KSqlCursor::Open(2014,'select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name=:A1 order by Column_Id') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699643770] 0000012547: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699643855] 0000012548: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{'DTREE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699644940] 0000012549: KSqlCursor::Execute({'COLUMN_NAME'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699645042] 0000012550: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'OWNERID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699645415] 0000012551: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 21 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699645517] 0000012552: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'PARENTID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699645600] 0000012553: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATAID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699645680] 0000012554: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'NAME'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699645760] 0000012555: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ORIGINOWNERID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699645840] 0000012556: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ORIGINDATAID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699645918] 0000012557: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'USERID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646015] 0000012558: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GROUPID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646113] 0000012559: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'UPERMISSIONS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646193] 0000012560: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GPERMISSIONS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646273] 0000012561: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'WPERMISSIONS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646352] 0000012562: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'SPERMISSIONS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646430] 0000012563: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ACLCOUNT'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646508] 0000012564: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'PERMID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646587] 0000012565: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATATYPE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646666] 0000012566: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CREATEDBY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646745] 0000012567: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CREATEDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646823] 0000012568: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MODIFIEDBY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646901] 0000012569: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MODIFYDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699646979] 0000012570: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MAXVERS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647062] 0000012571: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RESERVED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647142] 0000012572: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RESERVEDBY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647481] 0000012573: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 21 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647574] 0000012574: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RESERVEDDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647656] 0000012575: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERSIONNUM'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647735] 0000012576: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DCOMMENT'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647813] 0000012577: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DCATEGORY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647891] 0000012578: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'SUBTYPE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699647969] 0000012579: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'EXATT1'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648047] 0000012580: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'EXATT2'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648127] 0000012581: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ORDERING'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648207] 0000012582: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MAJOR'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648285] 0000012583: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MINOR'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648417] 0000012584: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RELEASEREF'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648505] 0000012585: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CHILDCOUNT'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648585] 0000012586: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ASSIGNEDTO'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648663] 0000012587: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATEASSIGNED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648742] 0000012588: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATEEFFECTIVE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648821] 0000012589: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATEEXPIRATION'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648899] 0000012590: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATEDUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699648978] 0000012591: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATESTARTED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649056] 0000012592: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATECOMPLETED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649134] 0000012593: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'STATUS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649213] 0000012594: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'PRIORITY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649575] 0000012595: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 6 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649667] 0000012596: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GIF'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649748] 0000012597: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'EXTENDEDDATA'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649828] 0000012598: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CATALOG'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649908] 0000012599: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'CACHEEXPIRATION'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699649987] 0000012600: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DELETED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699650065] 0000012601: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GUID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699650139] 0000012602: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699650235] 0000012603: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',49 records,[sec: 0 msec: 7]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699652151] 0000012604: The following columns in DTreeCore have default values and will not be inserted: GUID
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699652907] 0000012605: KSqlCursor::Open(2014,'select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name=:A1 order by Column_Id') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699652987] 0000012606: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699653071] 0000012607: KSqlCursor::Bind(1,{'DVERSDATA'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699654158] 0000012608: KSqlCursor::Execute({'COLUMN_NAME'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699654260] 0000012609: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERSIONID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699654624] 0000012610: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 21 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699654716] 0000012611: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DOCID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699654797] 0000012612: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERSION'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699654876] 0000012613: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERSIONNAME'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699654955] 0000012614: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'OWNER'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655034] 0000012615: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERCDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655113] 0000012616: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERMDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655192] 0000012617: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'PLATFORM'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655270] 0000012618: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'FILENAME'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655348] 0000012619: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'DATASIZE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655427] 0000012620: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'RESSIZE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655539] 0000012621: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'FILETYPE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655624] 0000012622: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'FILECREATOR'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655703] 0000012623: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'FILECDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655787] 0000012624: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'FILEMDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655870] 0000012625: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'ICON'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699655949] 0000012626: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'PROVIDERID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699656028] 0000012627: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERCOMMENT'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699656106] 0000012628: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'LOCKED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699656185] 0000012629: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'LOCKEDBY'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699656264] 0000012630: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'LOCKEDDATE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699656343] 0000012631: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'INDEXED'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699656774] 0000012632: KSqlOCI10Cursor: multi-fetched 6 rows
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699656872] 0000012633: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'FINDERFLAGS'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699656956] 0000012634: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'MIMETYPE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699657035] 0000012635: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERTYPE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699657113] 0000012636: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERMAJOR'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699657192] 0000012637: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'VERMINOR'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699657271] 0000012638: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'GUID'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699657345] 0000012639: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699657442] 0000012640: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',28 records,[sec: 0 msec: 4]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699658262] 0000012641: The following columns in DVersData have default values and will not be inserted: GUID
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699658576] 0000012642: ****** DAPISetCallback called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699658656] 0000012643: KSession::SetCallback(000007FEF6776C50,0) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699658713] 0000012644: ****** DAPISetScriptCallback called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699659886] 0000012645: ****** DAPIAddProvider called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699659974] 0000012646: ****** DAPISetProviderScriptFeature called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699660331] 0000012647: ****** DAPIAddProvider called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699660413] 0000012648: ****** DAPISetProviderScriptFeature called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699660764] 0000012649: ****** DAPIAddProvider called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699660843] 0000012650: ****** DAPISetProviderScriptFeature called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699661536] 0000012651: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699661625] 0000012652: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699661742] 0000012653: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'Livelink.DocStorage','Default'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699662297] 0000012654: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699662393] 0000012655: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699662494] 0000012656: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699662574] 0000012657: ****** CAPIIniGet( Livelink.DocStorage, Default ) returned ?
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699662672] 0000012658: ****** CAPIIniGet( Livelink.LogicalProviders, Default ) returned {'SQL',''}
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699662768] 0000012659: ****** DAPISetDefaultProvider called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699663700] 0000012660: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699663780] 0000012661: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699663868] 0000012662: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'RecMan','settingsMask'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699664333] 0000012663: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699664859] 0000012664: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'44544'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699665177] 0000012665: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699665293] 0000012666: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699665380] 0000012667: ****** CAPIIniGet( RecMan, settingsMask ) returned 44544
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699665896] 0000012668: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699665976] 0000012669: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699666062] 0000012670: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'RecMan','settingsMask2'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699666527] 0000012671: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699667075] 0000012672: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'134217728'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699667374] 0000012673: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699667503] 0000012674: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699667591] 0000012675: ****** CAPIIniGet( RecMan, settingsMask2 ) returned 134217728
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699669215] 0000012676: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699669298] 0000012677: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699669386] 0000012678: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'RecMan','secureDelete'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699669918] 0000012679: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699670015] 0000012680: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699670117] 0000012681: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699670196] 0000012682: ****** CAPIIniGet( RecMan, secureDelete ) returned false
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699671168] 0000012683: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699671249] 0000012684: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699671337] 0000012685: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'OTDSIntegration','Settings'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699671875] 0000012686: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699671971] 0000012687: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699672072] 0000012688: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699672161] 0000012689: ****** CAPIIniGet( OTDSIntegration, Settings ) returned ?
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699673836] 0000012690: ****** CAPIAllocConnect called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699673919] 0000012691: KConnect::AllocConnect() .. reusing existing connection.
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699674053] 0000012692: ****** CAPIAllocLogin called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699675128] 0000012693: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select a.*,b.OwnerID GroupOwnerID,b.Type GroupType,b.Name GroupName,b.UserData GroupUserData from KUAF a,KUAF b where a.Type=:A1 and a.SpaceID=:A2 and a.Name=:A3 and a.GroupID=b.ID') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699675226] 0000012694: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699675328] 0000012695: KSqlCursor::Bind(3,{0,0,'ntworld2\\00001023'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699676197] 0000012697: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699676338] 0000012698: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 2]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 ERROR [2699684173] 0000012699: KConnect::ErrLog --> [10106,5],'Invalid username/password specified.'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 ERROR [2699684272] 0000012700: KUAFUser::Get(ntworld2\00001023) --> 'Invalid username/password specified.'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699685711] 0000012701: ****** CAPIAllocConnect called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699685791] 0000012702: KConnect::AllocConnect() .. reusing existing connection.
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699685920] 0000012703: ****** CAPIAllocLogin called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699686805] 0000012704: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select a.*,b.OwnerID GroupOwnerID,b.Type GroupType,b.Name GroupName,b.UserData GroupUserData from KUAF a,KUAF b where a.Type=:A1 and a.SpaceID=:A2 and a.Name=:A3 and a.GroupID=b.ID') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699686889] 0000012705: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699686987] 0000012706: KSqlCursor::Bind(3,{0,0,'ntworld2\\00001023'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699687852] 0000012708: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699687981] 0000012709: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 ERROR [2699688074] 0000012710: KConnect::ErrLog --> [10106,5],'Invalid username/password specified.'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 ERROR [2699688150] 0000012711: KUAFUser::Get(ntworld2\00001023) --> 'Invalid username/password specified.'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699937233] 0000012712: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699937352] 0000012713: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699937444] 0000012714: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'BaseHref','Protocol'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699938174] 0000012715: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699938270] 0000012716: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699938375] 0000012717: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699938461] 0000012718: ****** CAPIIniGet( BaseHref, Protocol ) returned ?
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699938928] 0000012719: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699939007] 0000012720: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699939093] 0000012721: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'BaseHref','LookForHost'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699939549] 0000012722: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699939643] 0000012723: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699939744] 0000012724: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699939820] 0000012725: ****** CAPIIniGet( BaseHref, LookForHost ) returned ?
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699954171] 0000012726: ****** CAPIUserInfo returned R<'ID'=1000,...>
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699954273] 0000012727: ****** CAPIUserID returned 1000
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699954371] 0000012728: ****** UAPIAllocSession called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699954563] 0000012729: ****** UAPIPrefsGet called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699955157] 0000012730: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select PrefsValue from KUAFPrefs where PrefsID=:A1 and PrefsKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699955244] 0000012731: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699955334] 0000012732: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{1000,'General'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699955879] 0000012733: KSqlCursor::Execute({'PREFSVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699955974] 0000012734: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699956076] 0000012735: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699957385] 0000012736: ****** UAPIGetUserLanguage called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699957463] 0000012737: ****** UAPIAllocSession called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699957569] 0000012738: ****** UAPIPrefsGet called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699958081] 0000012739: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select PrefsValue from KUAFPrefs where PrefsID=:A1 and PrefsKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699958161] 0000012740: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699958249] 0000012741: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{1000,'MetadataLanguage'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699958773] 0000012742: KSqlCursor::Execute({'PREFSVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699958867] 0000012743: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699958967] 0000012744: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',0 records,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699959044] 0000012745: ****** UAPIFreeSession called ...
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699959518] 0000012746: KSqlCursor::Open(2000,'select IniValue from KIni where IniSection=:A1 and IniKeyword=:A2') -->'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699959599] 0000012747: KSqlCursor::prepare() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699959685] 0000012748: KSqlCursor::Bind(2,{'Metadata','DefaultLanguage'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699960164] 0000012749: KSqlCursor::Execute({'INIVALUE'}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699960682] 0000012750: KSqlCursor::Fetch({'\'en\''}) --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699960978] 0000012751: KSqlCursor::Close() --> 'SUCCESS'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699961092] 0000012752: KSql::Execute(...) --> 'SUCCESS',1 record,[sec: 0 msec: 1]
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699961181] 0000012753: ****** CAPIIniGet( Metadata, DefaultLanguage ) returned 'en'
09/19/2014 17:58:32 INFO [2699970442] 0000012754: CAPI.Log: Fri Sep 19 17:58:32 2014 - 201032 Func='ll.login' Timing: 0.453 0.457 0.453
Instead of posting huge logs could you post
The output of ?func=admin.testargs
Plus if you look in my blog
Livelink.in I have given word documents
On the livelink setup plus the extra steps
One takes for getting web services to work
One thing is for sure all livelink
Does is take the IWA token and
Send it to the oscript layer
If they don't come true you will
Not advance
BTW OT wants you to move to OTDS
Their vision being less experienced
Integrators can do a start to finish
In most situations it is cumbersome
But may be easier than IWA

Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer,Livelink ECM Champion 2008,Livelink ECM Champion 2010
Hi AppNair,

Here is the output of func?admin.testargs

func admin.testargs
HTTP_ACCEPT text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING gzip,deflate,sdch
HTTP_COOKIE LastDestID=2000; LLTZCookie=0; AdminPwd=dQCRTdaK6V2nxOLwEP7ImqdzWwxpAFZzgV8TejwZpIoQwWGToTd9So9krthj0Ncb; adminStyle=all
HTTP_HOST vmesx22s40
HTTP_REFERER HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17
LLENVIRON_ASSOC A<1,?,'AUTH_TYPE'='','CONTENT_LENGTH'='0','CONTENT_TYPE'='','GATEWAY_INTERFACE'='CGI/1.1','HTTPS'='off','HTTPS_KEYSIZE'='','HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE'='','HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER'='','HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT'='','HTTP_ACCEPT'='text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8','HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'='ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3','HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'='gzip,deflate,sdch','HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'='en-US,en;q=0.8','HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'='max-age=0','HTTP_CONNECTION'='keep-alive','HTTP_COOKIE'='LastDestID=2000; LLTZCookie=0; AdminPwd=dQCRTdaK6V2nxOLwEP7ImqdzWwxpAFZzgV8TejwZpIoQwWGToTd9So9krthj0Ncb; adminStyle=all','HTTP_HOST'='vmesx22s40','HTTP_REFERER'=' (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17','PATH_INFO'='','PATH_TRANSLATED'='C:\\inetpub\\LLPARAMS_LIST {{'func','admin.testargs'}}
PATH_TRANSLATED C:\inetpub\QUERY_STRING func=admin.testargs
SCRIPT_NAME /OTCS/livelink.exe
SERVER_NAME vmesx22s40
_REQUEST llweb

I will try to go thru your blog and see if I have missed out any of the steps.

Please help me resolve the issue.

Rajaneesh JM
The website or virtual directory holding the livelink scripts is
Anonymous you have to make it IWA in my website
There is a video of what you do
There is no Remote_User in your call
Without which IWA auth won't work
If it is IIS it is very easy to do
With other web servers it is not that

Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer,Livelink ECM Champion 2008,Livelink ECM Champion 2010
Oh I see that you are using IIS 'SERVER_SOFTWARE'='Microsoft-IIS/7.5'>so this is a piece of cake you don't even need CSDS to make this work.
The main thing is you have to make the website IWA.
In the livelink world we do this

or this
(Note the KB article is taken form stuff that I authored)

Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer,Livelink ECM Champion 2008,Livelink ECM Champion 2010
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