- Sep 21, 2001
- 105
I have a photography site pulling photo info from a db. All the photo references are in 1 table, with each record having a category. So when you're viewing a photo, there are next and previous buttons. I can't figure out a statement to make it check for the next occurrence of that category. I had it setup to just take the picture ID + 1, but they won't always be incremental in the same category. And then after that's figured out, I need to figure out how to show/hide the next and previous buttons based on whether there are or aren't more records in that category. Here's what I've got so far. Obviously, the problem lies with the previous/next logic. Any help would be appreciated
SQL = "SELECT * FROM (tblMaster INNER JOIN tblLocation ON tblMaster.LocationLink=tblLocation.LocationID) INNER JOIN tblCategories ON tblMaster.CategoryLink=tblCategories.CategoryID WHERE tblMaster.ID=" & id & "AND tblMaster.CategoryLink=" & cat
rs.Open SQL, connStr, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
response.write ("<img src=../images/" & rs("CategoryFull") & "Name.gif><br><br>")
Response.Write "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0" & vbcrlf
Response.Write "<tr><td>"
response.write "<font size=4 color=cccccc face=arial><b>Title: </b>"
response.write rs("Name")
response.write "</font></b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>"
Response.Write "<img src=../images/" & rs("CategoryFull") & "/" & rs("FileName") & ".jpg class=image>"
Response.Write "</td></tr><tr><td width=50% align=left>"
Response.Write "<font color=cccccc face=arial><b>Date taken: </b>"
Response.Write rs("Date")
Response.Write "</td><td align=right>"
Response.Write "<font color=cccccc face=arial><b>Location: </b>"
Response.Write rs("LocationFull")
response.write "</td></tr><tr><td>"
IF rs("ID")-1 = 0 then
response.write ""
response.write "<a href=viewPhoto.asp?cat=" & cat & "&id=" & rs("id")-1 & ">"
response.write "<img src=../images/back.jpg alt=Back border=0></a>"
end if
response.write "</td><td align=right>"
IF rs.EOF then
response.write ""
response.write "<a href=viewPhoto.asp?cat=" & cat & "&id=" & rs("id")+1 & ">"
response.write "<img src=../images/next.jpg alt=Next border=0></a>"
end if
Response.Write "</td></tr></table>"
Set rs = Nothing