Apr 4, 2003 #2 mrn MIS Apr 27, 2001 3,993 GB A few questions first What UNIX, Application Are you willing just to drop them or would you like a clean method. -- | Mike Nixon | Unix Admin | http://www.parcandgo.co.uk---------------------------- Upvote 0 Downvote
A few questions first What UNIX, Application Are you willing just to drop them or would you like a clean method. -- | Mike Nixon | Unix Admin | http://www.parcandgo.co.uk----------------------------
Apr 4, 2003 Thread starter #3 coppies5 Technical User Nov 22, 2002 6 US I'm runn AIX 4.3.3 and would perfer a clean method to logoff the users, but would consider to just drop them if I have to. Upvote 0 Downvote
I'm runn AIX 4.3.3 and would perfer a clean method to logoff the users, but would consider to just drop them if I have to.
Apr 4, 2003 #4 dbase77 Technical User Apr 23, 2002 591 IE Hi, kill -15 process_id for clean. kill -9 process_id for severe one. You can get process_id from who command. refer to who man page for option. On my system I use "who -u". To kill all users just do : for userprocess in `who -u | awk '{print $7}' do kill -15 $userprocess done regards, feroz Upvote 0 Downvote
Hi, kill -15 process_id for clean. kill -9 process_id for severe one. You can get process_id from who command. refer to who man page for option. On my system I use "who -u". To kill all users just do : for userprocess in `who -u | awk '{print $7}' do kill -15 $userprocess done regards, feroz
Apr 5, 2003 Thread starter #5 coppies5 Technical User Nov 22, 2002 6 US Worked like a champ, it's exactly what I needed to do. Thanks for the help feroz... Upvote 0 Downvote
Apr 5, 2003 #6 dbase77 Technical User Apr 23, 2002 591 IE Hi, Make sure you dont kill your own user_id unless you want to run it from script. And you dont want anybody to logon duirng system backup or something. regards, feroz Upvote 0 Downvote
Hi, Make sure you dont kill your own user_id unless you want to run it from script. And you dont want anybody to logon duirng system backup or something. regards, feroz