Here is a little script I use to record a screen shot image of a user. You may be able to adjust it for an incoming telnet. Maybe tee the tty session of the user...
# Record User Input/Output during
# telnet sessions
#$1 = remote host
remoteIP=`who am i | awk '{print $6}'|sed -e s/\(\//g -e s/\)\//g`
date=`date +%m.%d.%y-%H.%M.%S`
user=`who am i | cut -f1 -d' '`
telnet $remoteHost | tee -a "$auditDir/$user@$remoteIP@$date"
I don't what the users to know their actions are being logged. I'm trying to build a management server that users can SSH to before managing the network, I also what to capture their entire session not just a command history.
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