I am using sgplot (and gplot) to plot a normal, non-transformed variable on the y-axis against a NATURAL LOG transformed variable on the x-axis. I want to plot the x-axis in the natural log scale with axis labels of 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, etc.
I used the following sgplot code:
proc sgplot data=bw_un_16;
title "Predicted Birth Weight ";
yaxis label="Birth Weight (grams)" minor;
xaxis label="Log Cotinine" logbase=e logstyle=linear;
band x=cot_new lower=lower upper=upper /
fillattrs=GraphConfidence2 legendlabel="95% CI";
series x=cot_new y=bw / lineattrs=GraphPrediction
legendlabel="Predicted Fit";
I tried to play with the data anno statement but that didn't seem to work.
I can get my data to plot on the log10 scale but not on the natural log scale.
I used the following sgplot code:
proc sgplot data=bw_un_16;
title "Predicted Birth Weight ";
yaxis label="Birth Weight (grams)" minor;
xaxis label="Log Cotinine" logbase=e logstyle=linear;
band x=cot_new lower=lower upper=upper /
fillattrs=GraphConfidence2 legendlabel="95% CI";
series x=cot_new y=bw / lineattrs=GraphPrediction
legendlabel="Predicted Fit";
I tried to play with the data anno statement but that didn't seem to work.
I can get my data to plot on the log10 scale but not on the natural log scale.