I am trying to do something with Director MX that I have done with both Hypercard and Authorware. I am constructing screen contents dynamically from a text file. The problem I have encountered is preventing the new text from appearing as quickly as the updating commands are issued. I would like to update the text on the screen and then reveal the updated screen using a transition effect.
In HyperTalk this was simple enough--one used a "lock screen" command prior to moving things around on the screen, and then used "unlock screen with *some visual effect*"
My efforts so far using _movie.puppetTransition have resulted in the updates appearing on the screen, and then the transition ocurring. Not quite what I had in mind.
Any ideas?
In HyperTalk this was simple enough--one used a "lock screen" command prior to moving things around on the screen, and then used "unlock screen with *some visual effect*"
My efforts so far using _movie.puppetTransition have resulted in the updates appearing on the screen, and then the transition ocurring. Not quite what I had in mind.
Any ideas?