Is there any way to lock the formatting of a spreadsheet so that the column widths and row heights cannot be altered? I want to do this without locking content editing capabilities. Thanks.
AFAIK, you can only do this in XP
You need to go Tools>Protection>Allow users to edit ranges
Select all cells but DON'T enter a password
Then, protect the sheet - making sure that the option to allow changes in formatting is NOT ticked
The users should now be able to enter data but not change the column widths or row heights
Rgds, Geoff Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
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If you dont necessarily need to see which row or column you are in, you could remove the Row & Column Headers completely.
1. Go to Tools->Options...
2. Open the View Tab
3. Uncheck Row & column headers
4. Press OK
Please note that this setting in on the worksheet level and you will have to change it for each worksheet in a workbook that you don't want the users to change the row and column sizes.
Any user who knows about this setting can turn it off by going the same route as before so you might want to find out how to disable the Tools->Options... menu selection for that specific workbook. This can be done in VBA.
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