To get back into Configurator: On the server close e7 completely and then navigate to C:\Program Files\MICROS\e7\Cfg Open e7Config.txt. You should see this line: < add key="UwsObjectNumber" value="0" /> Change it to: < add key="UwsObjectNumber" value="6" /> Save the file an relaunch e7. You're going to get a lot of errors and warnings; ignore them, and just keep clicking ok. In the top dropdown, the one on the left you use to choose to edit your menu, employees, touchscreens, etc, open employees. Find your account on the list, and go to the security tab. Uncheck account disabled. Check update enchanted security and then set yourself a new password. Save it and then close e7 again. Reopen e7Config.txt and change the line back so that value="0" again. Save and close the file and relaunch e7. You should able to login again. If it warns about a database mismatch, go into. Manager procedures. Select workstations, and then click on your workstation. Once it's select, click retrieve newer definitions, which will sync the server and workstation back up. Just make sure to do the update enchanted security thing and change your password next time it tells you your password is expiring or you'll get locked out again.
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