Any of you have some link to a page that clears how local connection method is compatible with all browsers, their versions, etc?...i haven't found anything on macromedia...
...i asked this because i made a website for a client and in this website i use a local connection between 2 movies...a menu and a movie that displays a description of the menu items...he tested it on Netscape 7.1 for Mac OS X 10.2.6 and it didn't work...
i hadnt seen that article. thanks for pointing it out.
it does seem that can localconnection can be buggy. hard to explain why there should be a browser problem when all the action takes place within the player.
clients can be picky but very few people use netscape these days. <3% i believe. so if they are going to insist on this working on this platform then it looks like another method must be employed unless someone knows of a workaround. i dont.
I haven't asked him this...didn't cross my mind...but i am pretty sure he was using the last version of the player ... and maybe more browser windows ...can this be a bug maker?
Those were different sittuation...some guys were telling that the LC is not working in one configuration(Win, browser) and others...with the same configuration were telling that the LC was it's a bit of an X-file with the LC :-(
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