I am keep getting the following error when trying to map my code (I am using Express VHDL on Spartan):
ERROR:OldMap:56 - The LOC constraint "P167" (a IOB location) is not valid for IPAD symbol "C85" (pad signal=clock_in), which is being mapped to the following site types: CLKIOB
I have tried to get around this by using both the BUFGP (which fails b/c it is a Spartan) and giving the signal and "ibuf" attribute.
Is there any other way to allow me to assign a Clk signal to a IOB
ERROR:OldMap:56 - The LOC constraint "P167" (a IOB location) is not valid for IPAD symbol "C85" (pad signal=clock_in), which is being mapped to the following site types: CLKIOB
I have tried to get around this by using both the BUFGP (which fails b/c it is a Spartan) and giving the signal and "ibuf" attribute.
Is there any other way to allow me to assign a Clk signal to a IOB