Heya All,
To start, I know next to nill about image files. I'm using LOADPICTURE to get an object reference to a ICO file and I keep getting an "Unknown COM status error". I have determined the problem stems from the fact the ICO file only has a single format - Windows XP. I never knew that was an actual format (as oppose to 16, 256)
If I add a new 256 format into the ICO file, no error. Just wondering if that is a prob with LOADPICTURE or if the file format is wrong.
Steve Dingle
D&S Business Solutions Ltd
To start, I know next to nill about image files. I'm using LOADPICTURE to get an object reference to a ICO file and I keep getting an "Unknown COM status error". I have determined the problem stems from the fact the ICO file only has a single format - Windows XP. I never knew that was an actual format (as oppose to 16, 256)
If I add a new 256 format into the ICO file, no error. Just wondering if that is a prob with LOADPICTURE or if the file format is wrong.
Steve Dingle
D&S Business Solutions Ltd