I am trying to create a 'popup' window effect for viewing a full size jpg file selected from a slide viewer. The idea is that the user selects a thumbnail image on the main movie which in turn display a larger version in the viewer window. Once this is done, the user can click the larger image version which attaches the 'popup' mc on the main stage at a high level than the main movie. Once the 'popup' is attached, I create an empty mc as a container for the image. After the empty mc is created, I then loadMovie the jpg into this empty mc within the 'popup' mc. When I test for totalBytes of the empty container mc from my browser I get a '-1'. I've check the file path an it looks correct and the image loads. However, as part of the functionality, I want to determine the size of the loaded jpg so that I can position it in the center of the 'popup' stage.
This works great when testing the movie locally from Flash MX. However, when I run the same code on a browser (IE), it returns '-1' which supposedly indicates the loadMovie's file was not found.
Any ideas on why it doesn't work from a browser? Could the be another loadMovie in my script which is causing the conflict?
Here is the main timeline's actionscript:
// Function "clickMe": Activated on current images mouse click from myGallery.
function clickMe(id) {
var imageNode = myGallery_mc.getXMLNode().firstChild.childNodes[id - 1];
var imageDir = myGallery_mc.getXMLNode().firstChild.attributes.directory;
var imageFile = imageDir + '/' + imageNode.attributes.jpegURL;
var popupWin = this.attachMovie("popup_id","popup_stageid",500);
var imageHolder = popup_stageid.createEmptyMovieClip('imageHolder_mc',500);
popup_stageid.onEnterFrame = function() {
var ready = imageHolder.getBytesLoaded();
var tot = imageHolder.getBytesTotal();
// Find clicked image's width & height.
var imageWidth = imageHolder._width;
var imageHeight = imageHolder._height;
// Place image in the middle of "popupWin" stage.
var stageWidth = 780;
var stageHeight = 600;
//var stageWidth = _root._width;
//var stageHeight = _root._height;
imageHolder._x = Math.round((stageWidth - imageWidth)/2);
imageHolder._y = Math.round((stageHeight - imageHeight)/2);
delete popup_stageid.onEnterFrame;
This works great when testing the movie locally from Flash MX. However, when I run the same code on a browser (IE), it returns '-1' which supposedly indicates the loadMovie's file was not found.
Any ideas on why it doesn't work from a browser? Could the be another loadMovie in my script which is causing the conflict?
Here is the main timeline's actionscript:
// Function "clickMe": Activated on current images mouse click from myGallery.
function clickMe(id) {
var imageNode = myGallery_mc.getXMLNode().firstChild.childNodes[id - 1];
var imageDir = myGallery_mc.getXMLNode().firstChild.attributes.directory;
var imageFile = imageDir + '/' + imageNode.attributes.jpegURL;
var popupWin = this.attachMovie("popup_id","popup_stageid",500);
var imageHolder = popup_stageid.createEmptyMovieClip('imageHolder_mc',500);
popup_stageid.onEnterFrame = function() {
var ready = imageHolder.getBytesLoaded();
var tot = imageHolder.getBytesTotal();
// Find clicked image's width & height.
var imageWidth = imageHolder._width;
var imageHeight = imageHolder._height;
// Place image in the middle of "popupWin" stage.
var stageWidth = 780;
var stageHeight = 600;
//var stageWidth = _root._width;
//var stageHeight = _root._height;
imageHolder._x = Math.round((stageWidth - imageWidth)/2);
imageHolder._y = Math.round((stageHeight - imageHeight)/2);
delete popup_stageid.onEnterFrame;