Technical User
Hey out there;
I'm the guy that found out flash crashes after 16000 frames, so now I'm splitting the movie into 4 movies, and am finding i'm opening up a can of worms.
First issue I'd like to ask your help on- my books say nothing, can't find tutorials, on and on...
Base movie is level 0. I wanted to make the viewing experiance seamless even though it's now 4 movies instad of 1. So i thought i'd put some script along the base movie, telling it to loadmovie 1 ect, (preloading it in a sense, instead of attaching it to say a button at the end of the base movie). I assumed that loadmovie 1 would load in AFTER base movie had finished playing - well you know what happened - level 1 movie barges right in on top of base movie and starts blathering on.
Any way to make load movie...
A) preload
B) and then wait its turn
I'm the guy that found out flash crashes after 16000 frames, so now I'm splitting the movie into 4 movies, and am finding i'm opening up a can of worms.
First issue I'd like to ask your help on- my books say nothing, can't find tutorials, on and on...
Base movie is level 0. I wanted to make the viewing experiance seamless even though it's now 4 movies instad of 1. So i thought i'd put some script along the base movie, telling it to loadmovie 1 ect, (preloading it in a sense, instead of attaching it to say a button at the end of the base movie). I assumed that loadmovie 1 would load in AFTER base movie had finished playing - well you know what happened - level 1 movie barges right in on top of base movie and starts blathering on.
Any way to make load movie...
A) preload
B) and then wait its turn