ok. I haven't done any preload stuff for a long time. There are a few ways to go about it but they all depend on how you have structured things. I am guessing you are using lots of small movies strung togeather.
Use preloadmovie. If there are specific images/content that cause problems put them on the first frame but hide them (put them off screen) as the preloadmovie only loads the first frame. This system will load all those nasty slow cast members early on.
If you have one big movie and just want a "loading" message before it plays post again. I have never done one of those but will look into it if you need one. You can use this preload method with one movie as well by creating a launcher.exe file that executes the preload command then a go to the movie command. This works well because you only have to create the .exe once then can edit the main movie without creating a new .exe file.
This is How you do it :
prepare a blank screen (with a background if you like) and have recangle vector cast member.
prepare its width to zero,and place it on the stage. let's call it sprite(2) (if sprite(1) is the background.)
check out how many cast members you have let's say number_of_casts
in a movie script, in the on preparemovie handler.
write the script
on preparemovie
initital_right = sprite(2).right
target_right = initial_right + 150
increment = 150/number_of_casts
repeat with x = 1 to number_of_casts
preload member x
sprite(2).right = sprite(2).right + increment
end repeat
put "preload complete "
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