Assume the following file is called inventory.ctl and it resides in a folder at E:\Migration\SQLloader. Further assume that your flat file is pipe-delimited (could be comma dlimited, or whatever), is called E:\DataFiles\inventory_part.txt, and consists of the fields "site", "part_no" and "description". Finally, you'll need to create a "container" table with the appropriate fields. Edit the first line to correct user, password, and sid), then copy the first line to your clipboard (it should have no breaks. That is, should all be on one line). Open DOS window, right click on title bar, and select "paste". Hit enter.
You now have a data-filled container table against which you can run a script to cursor through the records and validate them against any relevent PL/SQL logic or packages. Of course, you could also use these instructions to directly populate your tables.
-- file starts here
-- sqlldr73 user/password@sid control=E:\Migration\SQLloader\inventory.ctl log=E:\Migration\inventory_part.log
load data
infile 'E:\DataFiles\inventory_part.txt'
replace into table Inventory_Part_CON
fields terminated by '|' optionally enclosed by ' '
John Hoarty
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