I've almost made it, but I still have a major problem. I'm building a site using 3 frames: a top, middle and bottom. The bottom contains all of the site controls in a single flash movie comprising many buttons, and then standard html text buttons which are supposed to load a file into the middle frame of the same html page. I tried having the flash buttons load the movie into "target, middle" as an expression, but still no luck. I can't figure out what to do about it. If I can fix this I can finish the site. I think there are some other work arounds, but not quite as pretty or fast as this one. Does anyone know html frames and how to control them from another frame consisting of just a flash movie? Egad!
Thanks for the help!
I've almost made it, but I still have a major problem. I'm building a site using 3 frames: a top, middle and bottom. The bottom contains all of the site controls in a single flash movie comprising many buttons, and then standard html text buttons which are supposed to load a file into the middle frame of the same html page. I tried having the flash buttons load the movie into "target, middle" as an expression, but still no luck. I can't figure out what to do about it. If I can fix this I can finish the site. I think there are some other work arounds, but not quite as pretty or fast as this one. Does anyone know html frames and how to control them from another frame consisting of just a flash movie? Egad!
Thanks for the help!