I have seen some sites that when downloading big flash files they come up with Loading (or something similar to this) and sometimes a % loaded bit. I tried doing this using
ifframeloaded ( 30 )
gotoAndPlay ( 2 ) ;
(Frame 30 being the last frame in my movie and frame 1 containing the loading movie)
Now this worked apart from some of the other frames still hadn't loaded (I presume flash doesn't load frame 1 then 2 then 3 and so on) and so came up blank whilst they were still loading. How do I stop this from happenning, do I have to use some sort of loop to check each frame is loaded or is there an order in which Flash loads the frames. Also how do I put a % loaded sign on (and why doesn't Flash have these functions built in??) darrenforster99@aol.com
ifframeloaded ( 30 )
gotoAndPlay ( 2 ) ;
(Frame 30 being the last frame in my movie and frame 1 containing the loading movie)
Now this worked apart from some of the other frames still hadn't loaded (I presume flash doesn't load frame 1 then 2 then 3 and so on) and so came up blank whilst they were still loading. How do I stop this from happenning, do I have to use some sort of loop to check each frame is loaded or is there an order in which Flash loads the frames. Also how do I put a % loaded sign on (and why doesn't Flash have these functions built in??) darrenforster99@aol.com