hi there i have created this progress bar loader, but does not do what i want it to do, as you will see at the progress bar progreses to 100%, then goes to the next scene, but it does not seem to play the flash movie, it should work like this one the actionscript i have got is
var total = _root.getBytesTotal();
var loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
var perc = (loaded/total)*100;
percent = perc+"%";
setProperty ("progress", _xscale, perc);
if (loaded == total) {
percent = "complete";
gotoAndPlay ("Scene 1", 1); -----(this is where the animation is).
thanks for any help
var total = _root.getBytesTotal();
var loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
var perc = (loaded/total)*100;
percent = perc+"%";
setProperty ("progress", _xscale, perc);
if (loaded == total) {
percent = "complete";
gotoAndPlay ("Scene 1", 1); -----(this is where the animation is).
thanks for any help