on (release) {
loadMovie("large_back.swf?vars=label", _root.dropZone);
then in frame 2 of large_back
if (vars==label){gotoandstop(label)
you have to pass a variable to the second movie. this can be the frame label. wait until the variable has loaded ( a preloader would be better than the simple code i gave above) then you can goto the frame.
the var you pass, if its mylabel, then the frame must be labeled mylabel
if it aint working then run a trace on vars, make sure thats there, rest could be down to fact that the frame you are targeting has not loaded yet which is why i said you may have to use a preloader. cant go to a frame that is not there.
I have put together a small sample of what I am trying to do. When a user clicks one of the small pictures the large_back.swf is meant to load in the dropZone instance on stage above the small pics. The version on my complete site at least loads the first default frame this sample one is not.
If you have a sec tell me what you think - Thanks again.
apart from the change i made to large_back to make it a bit neater to go to any page with a frame label the other errors were mostly in spelling.
var instead of vars i came across and wordsearcg instead of wordsearch was the other one. silly little things that we all do from time to time.
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