when I use the load movie action script to load a movie automatically, there is a blink...and then it loads....it's not smooth. is there a trick or alternate method to smoothen this out?
please give me your thoughts. thank you all so much...
i got this code from a flashMX forum....i hope it will work in flash5.0 because thats what i have.
otherwise i'm stuck. i think it will though. do you know?
// removes the flicker when loading
// just place this on the first frame on the movie
// or include it on the first frame
_global.__ld = 777;
MovieClip.prototype.myloadMovie = MovieClip.prototype.loadMovie;
MovieClip.prototype.loadMovie = function(_murl, _method){
var my_mc = this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip(this._name+"_temp_mc", _global.__ld++);
my_mc._x+= -1000000;
my_mc.myloadMovie(_murl, _method);
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(my_mc.getBytesLoaded() == my_mc.getBytesTotal() && my_mc.getBytesTotal() > 0){
var xpos = this._x;
var ypos = this._y;
var mname = this._name;
my_mc._x = xpos;
my_mc._y = ypos;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
my_mc._name = mname;
If it doesn't, maybe the first link I gave you, would.
Even if it's a preloader kind of thing, eliminating the delay, may eliminate what you described as a flicker! Regards,
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