If you click on the work/advertising... and then click on one of the images at the bottom of the screen, a new movie will open on level 2. In each of these loaded movies is a loader on 10 frames.. the first frames says...
if frame is loaded 15 (or total number of frames)
go to and play 11
if this condition is not met, frame 10 says go to and play 1
there is the text "loading" that appears on the screen as an animation.
the problem is this... when the movie is suppposedly loaded in fully.. one can click the arrows in the upper right of the screen to view more images in that section...however they dont always load the first time around. I dont understand how this could be since in the loader i tell it to load all of the frames where the bitmaps reside.
Please help... this should be simple and ive done it before, im totally stumped.