I got this movie clip that grows in height using oncliptevent:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
setProperty ("_root.curtainMC", _y, _y == 0);
setProperty ("_root.curtainMC", _height, _height += 5);
as you see this works in the standalone movie. but when I insert it using loadmovie into a blank clip
it grows in both directions, I just wanted the curtain to fall. Yes It would be easier using tweens but that's not a hard, is it.
give it a ponder and let me know
I got this movie clip that grows in height using oncliptevent:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
setProperty ("_root.curtainMC", _y, _y == 0);
setProperty ("_root.curtainMC", _height, _height += 5);
as you see this works in the standalone movie. but when I insert it using loadmovie into a blank clip
it grows in both directions, I just wanted the curtain to fall. Yes It would be easier using tweens but that's not a hard, is it.
give it a ponder and let me know