I'm trying to load a csv file into MySQL database. I tried using LOAD DATA INFILE but i managed only to load one row of record. I'd very much like all the records from the csv file to be inside my database table. Any idea what is wrong? I am under the impression that LOAD DATA INFILE will save all the record within a csv file into the table is use correctly. Correct me if i am wrong.
Below is my SQL statement:
load data infile 'E:/030425_203_126_222_222.csv' into table voip_db.April2003 fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n';
I'm trying to load a csv file into MySQL database. I tried using LOAD DATA INFILE but i managed only to load one row of record. I'd very much like all the records from the csv file to be inside my database table. Any idea what is wrong? I am under the impression that LOAD DATA INFILE will save all the record within a csv file into the table is use correctly. Correct me if i am wrong.
Below is my SQL statement:
load data infile 'E:/030425_203_126_222_222.csv' into table voip_db.April2003 fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n';