I need to have a combo box display the value assigned to the primary key while still showing the remaining values assigned to the combo box so that if a user wants to they can choose a different value and hit save.
Combo box’s rowsource is normally a SQL statement.
This code only loads one value into the combo box which is the current varStatusID assigned to the primary key - I need all 3 values to load, but I only want the status assigned to the primary key to appear in the combo box when the form loads.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Combo box’s rowsource is normally a SQL statement.
varStatusID = rec1!StatusID
'Forms!frm_Edit!cbo_Status.RowSource = " SELECT StatusID, StatusName FROM lkp_Status WHERE StatusID = " & varStatusID
This code only loads one value into the combo box which is the current varStatusID assigned to the primary key - I need all 3 values to load, but I only want the status assigned to the primary key to appear in the combo box when the form loads.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.