I have a crystal report created inside the .NET design IDE, and I am assuming this report is now embedded in the application (perfectly fine - and preferred - in this case). I have an OLE object in the report that I wish to use to allow me to change the picture (a corporate logo) at runtime.
I have the following which works fine for refreshing and printng the report (where crPackingList is the embedded report shown in the VS Solution Explorer)...
Dim crPackList As New crPackingList
crPackList.Database.Tables(0).Location = "C:\My.mdb"
crPackList.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 1, 1)
I have tried the following line, but the ReportObject is ReadOnly:
crPackList.Section6.ReportObjects("picLogo") = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("C:\MyLogo.bmp")
Suggestions? This is my first time working with CR in an application.
I have the following which works fine for refreshing and printng the report (where crPackingList is the embedded report shown in the VS Solution Explorer)...
Dim crPackList As New crPackingList
crPackList.Database.Tables(0).Location = "C:\My.mdb"
crPackList.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 1, 1)
I have tried the following line, but the ReportObject is ReadOnly:
crPackList.Section6.ReportObjects("picLogo") = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("C:\MyLogo.bmp")
Suggestions? This is my first time working with CR in an application.