We have two sites. They both have 100 Meg links between them.
Each circuit connects to its own router.
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The IGP is OSPF.
We are looking to load-balance these links better in the event that the bandwidth is pegged.
We are thinking about running EIGRP across the links, and redistrubting back into OSPF on each side which we are running else where in the company.
R1/1 and R1/2 are a stub, they need to exit across these links regardless for internet and WAN Connectivity.
Each circuit connects to its own router.
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The IGP is OSPF.
We are looking to load-balance these links better in the event that the bandwidth is pegged.
We are thinking about running EIGRP across the links, and redistrubting back into OSPF on each side which we are running else where in the company.
R1/1 and R1/2 are a stub, they need to exit across these links regardless for internet and WAN Connectivity.