Apr 1, 2002 #1 rtshort IS-IT--Management Feb 28, 2001 878 US How do you load another form or popup window with code and pass a variable to the new window? Rob Just my $.02.
How do you load another form or popup window with code and pass a variable to the new window? Rob Just my $.02.
Apr 1, 2002 #2 BBirkett Programmer Feb 7, 2002 103 AU Need to use javascript like this... you can change the 0's to 1's, and no's to yes's if you want them on or off... myWin = window.open("mypage.asp?myVarName='Brett'", "My Title", "width=500,height=250,scrollbars=0,menubar=no, toolbar=no" This will open a popup window for mypage.asp and pass it the variable myVarName with a value of 'Brett'. The code for mypage.asp can recieve the variable with Request("myVarName" Hope this helps! Brett Birkett B.Comp Systems Analyst Upvote 0 Downvote
Need to use javascript like this... you can change the 0's to 1's, and no's to yes's if you want them on or off... myWin = window.open("mypage.asp?myVarName='Brett'", "My Title", "width=500,height=250,scrollbars=0,menubar=no, toolbar=no" This will open a popup window for mypage.asp and pass it the variable myVarName with a value of 'Brett'. The code for mypage.asp can recieve the variable with Request("myVarName" Hope this helps! Brett Birkett B.Comp Systems Analyst