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LiveLink Content Server Notification Error; Could not locate scheduled Agent

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Jul 24, 2017
I've inherited a Livelink system and recently changed the configuration, modifying the email addresses for alerts. Email was going to the address of the previous admin, which is no longer valid.
Now I'm getting three notification alerts every twelve hours (2am, 2pm) and I'm not understanding where to look to fix the problem. Can someone provide some guidance?

A sample of the email notification:
The Notification Error has a subject of "[highlight #EDD400]LiveLink Content Server Notification Error[/highlight] at Wed Aug 09 14:04:57 2017"
and the test says "Please review the report located at: .\logs\agents\08092017140457"

This is an all Windows environment for Livelink.
I have two WFE (Web Front End) and three CSA (Content Server) along with a SQL cluster.
Searching for the \log\agents directory with the related file I found it on each of the three CSA servers

Content of the .\logs\agents\08092017140457 text file from the CSA1 server follows.
I see error stating "Could not locate scheduled Agent" followed by a bunch of details. I see that the mailAddress is set to ITStaff@newnet.com and that is one of the changes I made cleaning up outdated information. The information appears to have come from the "Notification Administration/Configure Notification".

How do I interpert those details and track down the culprit so I can eliminate these notifications?
Note: I found an question about Agent error notification and an explanation was provided that proved useless for me as I'm just too much of a greenhorn to livelink. More details on what screens to check to fix will be needed to help.
I have a manual or two (quick start, Content Server 10 Install, Livelink WCM Server Admin) and haven't found a way to download the products manual since I don't have a contract with Open Text.

Agent Controller Started at Wed Aug 09 14:04:57 2017
..Controller Setup
....Controller: AgentController
....Version: 2.0
....Config: A<1,?,'ConfigID'=100,'DftMsgDatabaseName'='CSProd','DftMsgFromAddress'='no-reply@newnet.com','DftMsgHTMLFileName'='%y%m%d_%H%M.html','DftMsgReplyTo'='no-reply@newnet.com','DftMsgSubject'='LiveLink Content Server Notification at %1','DftMsgType'=100,'DftReportID'=100,'DftReportOptions'=0,'DftSched1DayMask'=62,'DftSched1HourMask'=130560,'DftSched1MinuteMask'=1,'DftSched1MonthMask'=0,'DftSched1Name'='Report 1','DftSched2DayMask'=62,'DftSched2HourMask'=130560,'DftSched2MinuteMask'=1,'DftSched2MonthMask'=0,'DftSched2Name'='Report 2','DftSched3DayMask'=62,'DftSched3HourMask'=130560,'DftSched3MinuteMask'=1,'DftSched3MonthMask'=0,'DftSched3Name'='Report 3','DftTransportID'=200,'Enabled'=1,'EventNo'='1000','LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:1:59,'MAPIPassword'=?,'MAPIProfile'=?,'MessageClearInterval'=30,'OnErrAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com','OnErrSubject'='LiveLink Content Server Notification Error at %1','OnErrTransportID'=200,'ScheduleHandlerClearInterval'=30,'SMTPHELOHostName'='nnah-llwfe1','SMTPPort'=25,'SMTPServer'='','SqlTracing'=0,'Testing'=0,'URL'='....SQL Trace: disabled
....Testing: disabled
..End Controller Setup
..Running Agents ...
[highlight #EDD400]Could not locate scheduled Agent[/highlight] (R<'SchedID'=G50,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=2001,'Enabled'=1,'MonthMask'=0,'DayMask'=127,'HourMask'=16388,'MinuteMask'=1,'TimeZoneOffset'=0,'LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:2:4:58,'NextTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:0:0,'ParamInt1'=0,'ParamInt2'=?,'ParamStr3'=?,'ParamStr4'=?,'ReportID'=?,'ReportOptions'=?,'TransportID'=?,'MsgType'=?,'MsgAddress'=?,'AgentName'='newnet.local','Name'='Admin','MailAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com'>)
....Starting Agent: ImportAgent (R<'SchedID'=G49,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=3001,'Enabled'=1,'MonthMask'=0,'DayMask'=127,'HourMask'=16777215,'MinuteMask'=4095,'TimeZoneOffset'=0,'LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:13:59:57,'NextTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:0:0,'ParamInt1'=0,'ParamInt2'=?,'ParamStr3'=?,'ParamStr4'=?,'ReportID'=?,'ReportOptions'=?,'TransportID'=?,'MsgType'=?,'MsgAddress'=?,'AgentName'='ImporterAgent','Name'='Admin','MailAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com'>)
....Ending Agent: ImportAgent ... 62 ms.
....Starting Agent: SOVSystemManagement (R<'SchedID'=G1,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=3502,'Enabled'=1,'MonthMask'=0,'DayMask'=127,'HourMask'=16777215,'MinuteMask'=4095,'TimeZoneOffset'=0,'LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:13:54:57,'NextTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:0:0,'ParamInt1'=0,'ParamInt2'=?,'ParamStr3'=?,'ParamStr4'=?,'ReportID'=?,'ReportOptions'=?,'TransportID'=?,'MsgType'=?,'MsgAddress'=?,'AgentName'=?,'Name'='Admin','MailAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com'>)
....Ending Agent: SOVSystemManagement ... 6958 ms.
....Starting Agent: ItemAdded (R<'SchedID'=G15,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=3601,'Enabled'=1,'MonthMask'=0,'DayMask'=127,'HourMask'=16777215,'MinuteMask'=4095,'TimeZoneOffset'=0,'LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:13:54:57,'NextTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:0:0,'ParamInt1'=0,'ParamInt2'=?,'ParamStr3'=?,'ParamStr4'=?,'ReportID'=?,'ReportOptions'=?,'TransportID'=?,'MsgType'=?,'MsgAddress'=?,'AgentName'='PstageAgent','Name'='Admin','MailAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com'>)
....Ending Agent: ItemAdded ... 0 ms.
....Starting Agent: ExpireMessages (R<'SchedID'=G8,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=4000,'Enabled'=1,'MonthMask'=0,'DayMask'=127,'HourMask'=16777215,'MinuteMask'=4095,'TimeZoneOffset'=0,'LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:13:54:57,'NextTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:0:0,'ParamInt1'=0,'ParamInt2'=?,'ParamStr3'=?,'ParamStr4'=?,'ReportID'=?,'ReportOptions'=?,'TransportID'=?,'MsgType'=?,'MsgAddress'=?,'AgentName'='ExpireMessages','Name'='Admin','MailAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com'>)
........Expire 0 messages from before: Mon Jul 10 14:04:57 2017
....Ending Agent: ExpireMessages ... 0 ms.
....Starting Agent: Gather (R<'SchedID'=G16,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=5858,'Enabled'=1,'MonthMask'=0,'DayMask'=127,'HourMask'=16777215,'MinuteMask'=4095,'TimeZoneOffset'=0,'LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:13:59:57,'NextTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:0:0,'ParamInt1'=0,'ParamInt2'=?,'ParamStr3'=?,'ParamStr4'=?,'ReportID'=?,'ReportOptions'=?,'TransportID'=?,'MsgType'=?,'MsgAddress'=?,'AgentName'='Gather','Name'='Admin','MailAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com'>)
....Ending Agent: Gather ... 374 ms.
....Starting Agent: UndeletePurgeAgent (R<'SchedID'=G18,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=8000,'Enabled'=1,'MonthMask'=0,'DayMask'=127,'HourMask'=16777215,'MinuteMask'=4095,'TimeZoneOffset'=0,'LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:13:54:57,'NextTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:0:0,'ParamInt1'=0,'ParamInt2'=?,'ParamStr3'=?,'ParamStr4'=?,'ReportID'=?,'ReportOptions'=?,'TransportID'=?,'MsgType'=?,'MsgAddress'=?,'AgentName'='Undelete Purge Agent','Name'='Admin','MailAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com'>)
....Ending Agent: UndeletePurgeAgent ... 31 ms.
....Starting Agent: FiveMinuteAgent (R<'SchedID'=G9,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=8900,'Enabled'=1,'MonthMask'=0,'DayMask'=127,'HourMask'=16777215,'MinuteMask'=4095,'TimeZoneOffset'=0,'LastTime'=D/2017/8/9:13:54:57,'NextTime'=D/2017/8/9:14:0:0,'ParamInt1'=0,'ParamInt2'=?,'ParamStr3'=?,'ParamStr4'=?,'ReportID'=?,'ReportOptions'=?,'TransportID'=?,'MsgType'=?,'MsgAddress'=?,'AgentName'='FiveMinuteAgent','Name'='Admin','MailAddress'='itstaff@newnet.com'>)
......Perform: ClearCache
........Cache cleanup performed. (0 rows cleaned)
......Completed: ClearCache ... 16 ms.
......Skipping Maintenance Handler: PollClosed
......Perform: Controller
........Distributed Agent controller task has been scheduled.
......Completed: Controller ... 0 ms.
......Perform: WebDAVModuleGC
......Completed: WebDAVModuleGC ... 16 ms.
....Ending Agent: FiveMinuteAgent ... 32 ms.
..Done Running Agents ... 7488 ms.
..There were 1 errors detected during processing
Agent Controller Completed at Wed Aug 09 14:05:04 2017 ... 7504 ms.
Unfortunately configuring agents/notifications/wf agents/distribute agents is a somewhat complicated task for an admin/support person who just want to make it all work.Sorry but once you understand this it should be a breeze.The crux of
the matter is a Livelink server once it becomes an agent capable server(most people assume the Admin server/service to have something to do with it,it comes from a convention,not right technically)

Could not locate scheduled Agent (R<'SchedID'=G50,'UserID'=1000,'AgentID'=2001,'Enable'
looks like this agent is wrongly getting picked up from memory someone probably wanted Directory Services agent to run in your org and probably it is running on some other server
but this server does not have it enabled

if you disabled 2001 in the database then be assured that whatever was that agents job never will get done (like bringing people from ad)

so check all you server configurations and make sure 2001 if needed is active only on one server

mY blog has some info it was written for programmers in mind but it may have some info that may help you trouble shoot

post your success here this is not an issue that is really difficult to solve

Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer,Livelink ECM Champion 2008,Livelink ECM Champion 2010
Thanks, but that is of no help. You mention your blog, which I had previously read. Unfortunately, I think much of what I need is in the knowledge base that you had as a link.
Without a support contract, I don't have access to that and therefore am missing all of that information.

You mention information in a database and assume I would know where it is, what tools to use to access it, and the commands for the tools. I don't.
Do you have any pointers? Reference material I can use?

Would any of the information I need be in one of the manuals I mentioned? Which one?
go to your opentext.ini that has the section loader with the string "agent" in there,then put debug=2 wantlogs=true and run it
it should ideally produce the same error you posted.Now search for the 2001 string using some decent ascii editor like notepad++
if it shows up somewhere like



1000=1 //means if 1000 is acataully in the database it will run on this server and any other server usually a bad practice
[highlight #EF2929][COLOR=]2001=1[/color][/highlight] //Enable the Run if present in database on this server 0 skips it even if it is enabled in the DB

most of the stuff removed
ExcludeActivityIDs=3000,3501,5000,8999,9000,9001,9999,12568,20201,20200,9052 [highlight #EF2929]//MEANS DO NOT RUN THESE IN agents THREAD

ActivityIDs=3000,3501,5000,8999,9000,9001,9999,9052 //MEANS RUN THESE IN notify THREAD

so with a little trian and error on 2001 you should be able to get some solace if not get support

Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Certified OT Developer,Livelink ECM Champion 2008,Livelink ECM Champion 2010
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