Does anyone have already installed a livelink 9.5 cluster ?
I am looking for a documentation explaining how to configure the cluster services on MS 2003.
Thanks for your answer !
We already have a cluster HP 2 nodes, and want to configure it an active/passive mode. Actually I don't know what is the best for the services repartition.
I am new to Livelink administration.
Can anyone send me a document or tell me how to setup a near perfect, scalable Livelink cluster environment in 9.2.
Our system here is so slow that they are planning to get rid of it completely.
Basically livelink does very well if you separate uour LLserver and your admin(search and indexing) on separate servers and your db on another.Vertical scaling,having multiple application llservers( a fancy name of saying you install the llsoftware,multiple times using different ports and talking to the same db) helps quite a long way,but for better performance,horizontal scaling,llservers on separate hardware and using some kind of LB solution will give you more "speed".You may need to
analyse your DB parameters as that is the first bottle neck when it comes to perception of speed.There are tuning parameters available in KB for Oracle and I am sure you can find something for sqlserver as well.After you analyze these then you might look at your permissions model,and see if you are doing totally something out of the ordinary.I administer a 12,000 user system on three front end servers and all my requests still fall in the <1 sec per request.But obviously there is almost ten years of cumulative experience in our organization that makes this posible and not everyting started working overnight the correct way.Take a step back and analyse your usage and you will be very suprised at how well architechted the product is.
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
OT had a product called CAS or cluster administration support.Is this what you were asking ,if yes then the documentation is available in KB.At our organization we prefer to do hardware load balancing and using horizontally scaled livelink servers.There is still manual work involved but very well manageable.At the worst case we have to take down one server for maintenance and so on.Software installation keeping all servers(solving the chicken and egg problem) in sync is also easy once you understand it.
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
are you using LL 9.5 with a cluster architecture ? if yes how did you configure your web application server, and how did you distribued your services ( I think about one node with SGBD and LLserver and another node with index and administration services ) ? Is it easy to install LES on a MS Cluster ? I did not find documentation on the KB.
Thank you very much !
I do not understand clustering acronyms/jargon in the truest sense but I looked in the clusters discussion in OT and this talks about that livelink in its 9.1. version and since there is not much architechtural cahanges between the two version(except in the indexing/searching paradigm) I hope this may give you some ideas.Also the document itself says it is Intellectual property of OT so you may need to get into KB to see this.
Hope this helps and if you do not mind in terms that are understsndable to a LL admin would you please let me know what the MSCS cluster would buy/simplify in the life of a lladmin.
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
Thanks, and sorry for my english level...
this document will help me though it is about 9.1 !
I know that 9.5 doesn't support anymore Corba, therefore the CAS is obsolete. If I understand you are not using livelink with an architecture cluster.
Do you have experience with 9.5 administration ? if yes witch web application server are you using ?
MSCS cluster is very interesting for system scalability and security.
I have learned very much in the last seven years as an LLadmin/developer.I have seen many versions of livelink and just by working on it has given me more confidence day by day.I have worked in unix livelink systems way back when I was an admin there .Now I administer systems totally on windows.I have played with web app servers like TomCat and stuff but really our system run on IIS.Livelink is an extremely easy system to work with once you get to know it.You learn everyday something new.
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
James Thurber, New Yorker cartoon caption, June 5, 1937
I still am confused about the way our three servers are setup here using 9.2.
I see that you are Oklahoma and you have vast knowledge of Livelink administration. I would like to meet you if possible as I am comming to Tulsa on the weekend of 17th.
Why do n't you try to register for the houston RUG .There ought to be a lot of good people there.If you feel you need to meet me write me offline at and I will see what I can do.I am actually 50 miles north of tulsa.
Houston Energy Industry Forum 2006
February 15, 2006
8:00:00 AM through 5:00:00 PM CST
(Time Zone Converter)
Location: Dave and Buster's
6010 Richmond Ave
It is above all free
- OT experts verbally told us to drop CAS with LL 9.2 so we do not use it
- admin pb of several instances (you can have as many instances per server you want running on severall servers e.g 4 servers with 5 instances) are :
1. you have to manage several .ini file at the same time. some changes are not common but written on the instance your are running (e.g Atlas, licence info,...)
We developped a small tool that help us synchronyze all our instances
2. Installing a new module can be a nightmare :
As soon as you restarted the 1st instance, it writes down some info in the db (e.g in KINI) and all the other instances crash saying "wrong version number". Only solution is then manual copy of files and .ini manual update
To avoid this, you shall stay on the page requesting to stop & restart before continuying WITHOUT restarting, install on all the instances and then restart all the instances at the same time (i.e at the same level of the installation, not at the same second ;-) )
Otherwise I do not know about 9.5 in cluster. I guess you have to install an Apache per server
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