Creating a form in Livecycle 8.0, wherein I have a textfield, txtQualSum, in which the user types a "150 word summary of Nominee's qualifications". I would like the words to be counted (up to a maximum of 150 words) as the user enters text into the textfield.
I found a javascript snippet (shown below), posted by Justin Cook, which is exactly the type of thing I want--I just haven't figured out how to modify it for my form. See for his working example.
The first line of my script is:
form1.Page2.grpNominee.subfrmQualSum.txtQualSum::mouseEnter: - (JavaScript, client)
followed by:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I found a javascript snippet (shown below), posted by Justin Cook, which is exactly the type of thing I want--I just haven't figured out how to modify it for my form. See for his working example.
The first line of my script is:
form1.Page2.grpNominee.subfrmQualSum.txtQualSum::mouseEnter: - (JavaScript, client)
followed by:
<form name="form_count">
<textarea rows="8" name="word_input" cols="40" wrap="virtual" onkeyup="f=document.form_count;f.word_count.value=f.word_input.value.split(' ').length;"></textarea>
<p><input type="button" value="Count Words" onClick="f=document.form_count;f.word_count.value=f.word_input.value.split(' ').length;">
<input type="text" name="word_count" size="20"></p>