Changing focus or manually refresh a form will update the data displaying on a form. How can I have it auto-update when the database is change like a chat room?
Thank you.
Sub RefreshForm(frmForm As Form)
10 On Error GoTo xxx
Dim x As Integer
20 With frmForm
30 For x = 0 To .Controls.Count - 1
40 Select Case .Controls(x).ControlType
Case acComboBox, acListBox, acSubform
50 .Controls(x).Requery
60 End Select
70 Next
80 .Refresh
90 End With
100 Exit Sub
110 If err.Number = 2478 Then
120 Resume Next
130 Else
140 Call ErrorLog(err, Error$, err.Source, "Sub: RefreshForm", Erl)
150 Resume xx
160 End If
End Sub
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