Hey! I have phpwebthings on my server box i am running Windows XP PRO, and i have Mysql,Apache,and PHP installed i go to run phpwebthings/install.php there are no errors or warrnings. i put in my login and password. Then the next page asks what database i want to use. i select it. when i hit next i get..
::You don't have permission to use this database::
But in Mysql i have given the log in full access to everything! i have also tried to just give the account parcial access . or Global with edit ability but still get the same MSG. if you could please help =) any Suggestions?
Thanks again. Phyzz
::You don't have permission to use this database::
But in Mysql i have given the log in full access to everything! i have also tried to just give the account parcial access . or Global with edit ability but still get the same MSG. if you could please help =) any Suggestions?
Thanks again. Phyzz