I have a listview. As you can see i update it on click.
Is there a way to update it when i use the up- and downarrows to change my selection in the list? It should change as the selected index changes.. Been looking but I can't seem to find a solution..
I have a listview. As you can see i update it on click.
Is there a way to update it when i use the up- and downarrows to change my selection in the list? It should change as the selected index changes.. Been looking but I can't seem to find a solution..
Private Sub ListView1_Click()
page = Me.MultiPage1.Value
Val2 = ListView1.SelectedItem.Index
personnummer = ListView1.ListItems.Item(Val2).SubItems(1)
diarienummret = ListView1.SelectedItem
Label3.Caption = "Diarienummer: " + diarienummret
Label2.Caption = "Personnummer: " + personnummer
Call readlogfile2(personnummer, page)
End Sub