I have a table with about 50K records. I'm trying to improve the performance of a query on the table, that has four criteria fields, triggered by KeyUp on a form. It filters the results based on what people are typing.
My info is currently in an Access linked table, but I'm testing speeds with MySQL and will switch if need be.
I have tried using rs.FillCache, and doing an ADO.connect through mySQL and both are really fast. However, not only do I want better speeds, I want the column adjustment capabilities of a ListView.
Filling a ListView with all the records takes forever (~10 minutes and sometimes crashes the computer).
1)Is there any way to use fillcache or a similar feature to only fill the list as I scroll up or down?
2)Is there something I could do to base my form on the recordset (ie, continuous forms as I have it now) to maintain the newfound speed, but also be able to adjust column width?
Thanks in advance.
My info is currently in an Access linked table, but I'm testing speeds with MySQL and will switch if need be.
I have tried using rs.FillCache, and doing an ADO.connect through mySQL and both are really fast. However, not only do I want better speeds, I want the column adjustment capabilities of a ListView.
Filling a ListView with all the records takes forever (~10 minutes and sometimes crashes the computer).
1)Is there any way to use fillcache or a similar feature to only fill the list as I scroll up or down?
2)Is there something I could do to base my form on the recordset (ie, continuous forms as I have it now) to maintain the newfound speed, but also be able to adjust column width?
Thanks in advance.