A nice visual way to do this would be with two listboxes.<br><br>Fill the two listboxes with your data, then:<br><br>for each item in list1<br> search list2 - removeitem if found<br>next item<br><br>(That isn't VB code by the way - just a quick way of looking at how the method might work.)<br><br>If you need to make the search faster - make list2 sorted and you could do a binary chop on it.<br><br>for each searchitem<br> compare searchitem with item halfway through list2<br> is it bigger? smaller? the same?<br> the same - gotcha<br> bigger -- do the search again but in the upper half of list2<br> smaller -- do the search again but in the lower half of list2<br> <p>Mike<br><a href=mailto:michael.j.lacey@ntlworld.com>michael.j.lacey@ntlworld.com</a><br><a href=
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