Hi, I am just beginning to learn how to use xml and i have the following problem. I have a list of web links similar to the following
<a href=" Search Engine</a><br></br>
<a href="<a href=" Forum</a>
I have entered this list into a xml file similar to the following
<a href=" Search Engine</a><br></br>
<a href=" Engine</a><br></br>
<a href=" Forum</a>
The part of my stylesheet concerned with the helpful tag is
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><xsl:value-of select="helpful"/>
when i run this file using my stylesheet, all that is outputted is the following
Good Search EngineYahoo EngineXml Forum
Is it possible to send a list minus the html tags and then in the stylesheet move through the list and place html tags to each member of the list. the output i would like would be each memebr of the list in a <a href> teg followed by the next member in another <a href> tag
Any help greatly appreciated
<a href=" Search Engine</a><br></br>
<a href="<a href=" Forum</a>
I have entered this list into a xml file similar to the following
<a href=" Search Engine</a><br></br>
<a href=" Engine</a><br></br>
<a href=" Forum</a>
The part of my stylesheet concerned with the helpful tag is
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><xsl:value-of select="helpful"/>
when i run this file using my stylesheet, all that is outputted is the following
Good Search EngineYahoo EngineXml Forum
Is it possible to send a list minus the html tags and then in the stylesheet move through the list and place html tags to each member of the list. the output i would like would be each memebr of the list in a <a href> teg followed by the next member in another <a href> tag
Any help greatly appreciated