Is there a property to make a list box's width fit to the size of a data item??<br><br>If not do i have to use the Hscroll bar, and if I do how do still find the width of the item in my listbox?<br><br>Any help appreciated<br><br>
It's not pretty, but what I've done in the past is something (but not exactly) like this:<br><FONT FACE=monospace><br>Private Function GetAvgFontCharWidth() as Single<br> Dim SaveFontName As String<br> Dim SaveFontSize As Integer<br> Dim SaveFontBold As Integer<br> Dim SaveFontItalic As Integer<br> Dim SaveFontStrikeThru As Integer<br> Dim SaveFontUnderline As Integer<br> Dim AvgWidth As Single<br><br> ' Save form's font settings so we can use the form to calculate the<br> ' TextWidth / Height of the strings to go into the list box.<br> SaveFontName = Me.FontName<br> SaveFontSize = Me.FontSize<br> SaveFontBold = Me.FontBold<br> SaveFontItalic = Me.FontItalic<br> SaveFontStrikeThru = Me.FontStrikethru<br> SaveFontUnderline = Me.FontUnderline<br><br> ' Set form font settings to be identical to list box.<br> Me.FontName = lb.FontName<br> Me.FontSize = lb.FontSize<br> Me.FontBold = lb.FontBold<br> Me.FontItalic = lb.FontItalic<br> Me.FontStrikethru = lb.FontStrikethru<br> Me.FontUnderline = lb.FontUnderline<br><br> ' Get the average character width of the current list box font<br> ' (in pixels) using the form's TextWidth width method.<br> AvgWidth = Me.TextWidth _<br> ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"<br> AvgWidth = AvgWidth / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX / 52<br><br> ' Set the form's font properties back<br> Me.FontName = SaveFontName<br> Me.FontSize = SaveFontSize<br> Me.FontBold = SaveFontBold<br> Me.FontItalic = SaveFontItalic<br> Me.FontStrikethru = SaveFontStrikeThru<br> Me.FontUnderline = SaveFontUnderline<br><br> GetAvgFontCharWidth = AvgWidth<br>End Function<br><br>Private Sub SetListBoxWidth()<br> Dim i as Integer<br> Dim MaxCount as Integer<br><br> MaxCount = 0<br> For i = 0 to lb.ListCount<br> If Len(lb.item(i)) > MaxCount Then<br> MaxCount = Len(lb.item(i))<br> End If<br> Next i<br><br> lb.Width = (MaxCount * SavedAvgCharWidth) + 20<br> ' (Add 20 for fudge factor)<br><br> End Sub<br></font><br><br>So, you'd call GetAvgCharWidth in your FormLoad to find out how big the font is, then call SetListBoxWidth after you've loaded it up.<br><br>BTW: Don't expect to cut & paste this into your project, I'm not 100% sure it will compile as is.<br><br>Chip H.<br>
Thanks for that but that will just make the width of the list box larger.<br><br>I need the Hscroll control to work on a list box what property is there for the List box to give the value from the Hscroll control. I'm just wanting to link the Scroll bar to the list box.<br><br>Thanks for your help!<br><br><img src=
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