Set the ColumnWidths property to a comma-delimited list of the required widths (in pixels) of each column. The actual widths are not critical -- the point is that you put some value in this property.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
If you are using a cursor or an array to populate the listbox, you could explicitly convert the amount to a right-justified string, for example using TRANSFORM(Amount, "999,999.99") or something similar.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Again that kind of works. But when you look at the data in a listbox, an amount of 7.50 is offset to the left of an amount of say 55.50 - the decimal points aren't aligned. It looks like the column is left justified.
Ah yes, I forgot to say that I wanted the multi-select capability of the listBox . I seem to remember seeing various posts here about doing that with grids so I might have a look.
You might try building a function that prepends spaces to the display string until a certain width is met, or slightly exceeded. You can use the form's .TextWidth method to determine the length of the string given the current form's font settings. I still don't think you'll get exact, but you can get fairly close.
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