A query can call a function as it is running if it occurs in a stand-a-lone standard module. Try something like this and then put the final result in the report footer:
Public Function BuildString(QueryRowName As Var) As String
Static strResult As String 'Statics retain their value
strResult = strResult & QueryRowName & ", "
BuildString = strResult
End Function
You'll have to strip off the last trailing comma, otherwise you should be good to go. Good LucK!
I am not really sure how to use this. I am not much of a programmer.
The report displays results for a work order from tblWO.
In tblWONodes are the fields workorderno and nodeid and is joined to tblWO through WorkOrderNo.
The query (qryWONodes) is something like select * from tlbWONodes where WorkOrderNo = [Form!txtWorkOrderNo], so I only get the Nodes associated with the Work Order on the report. Also on that same report I want to display all of the NodeIDs from the query separated by commas.
So I would have WO 12345
with NodeIDs C44, F65, G55 etc...
I am almost there.
Here is what I did to get the results of my recordset into my form.
Function ListMH() As String
'Declare a variable to hold the comma separated values
Dim strCSVals As String
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblWONodes", dbOpenDynaset)
Set fld = rst("[NodeID]"
Do Until rst.EOF
strCSVals = strCSVals & fld & ", "
Set rst = Nothing
'After the loop has ended you can trim up strVals like so:
strCSVals = Left(strCSVals, Len(strCSVals) - 2) 'This will remove the last character (space and comma) from the string
ListMH = strCSVals
End Function
Report txtListNodes Control Source = ListMH()
The problem is the tblWONodes I want to actually be a more select group of records from qryWONodes.
SELECT * FROM tblWONodes WHERE (((tblWONodes.WorkOrderNo)=[Forms]![frmWO]![WorkOrderNo]))ORDER BY tblWONodes.NodeID;
This works great if I just run the query. It only returns the results from the WorkOrderNo displayed on frmWO, but when I put it in CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryWONodes" I get a rst = Nothing Error.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong. When I take the parameter out it works fine in the function.
Function ListMH() As String
'Declare a variable to hold the comma separated values
Dim strCSVals As String
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim WO As String
WO = Forms!frmWO!WorkOrderNo
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT WorkOrderNo, NodeID FROM tblWONodes WHERE WorkOrderNo= '" & WO & "';", dbOpenDynaset)
Set fld = rst("[NodeID]"
Do Until rst.EOF
strCSVals = strCSVals & fld & ", "
Set rst = Nothing
'After the loop has ended you can trim up strVals like so:
strCSVals = Left(strCSVals, Len(strCSVals) - 2) 'This will remove the last character (comma) from the string
ListMH = strCSVals
End Function
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