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List of Values in the Repository

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Apr 18, 2001
We've been constructing a Universe to Quality Check Universes in the Repository. We've managed to construct most of the Objects we require, but we've hit a problem in building Objects to verify the use of List of Values. The 'OBJ_LIST_VALUES' column in the 'UNV_OBJECT' table looks like it contains the various settings for the LOV file. However, we don't know what these values actually are. Can anyone help?


You can find the information you are looking for on the Business Objects CD in the folder FREEWARE\REPOSTRY

Anyway, because the information is not complete, I thought you would like to have more details (see below).

I hope it will help.

1/ List of values in the Repository
As explained in “Export List of values with universe”, lists of values are stored in the document domain but further information on them is stored in the universe and security domains.
Important : If your LOV’s size is too important to be stored in the repository, you could purge it, it will export only the SQL statement.

1.1/ Document domain

The document domain contains only one table : OBJ_X_DOCUMENTS, as specified in the HTML repository description provided on BO's CD.

X_DOC_N_ID is linked with the OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS table.

The document domain contains Business Objects documents, scripts, lists of values. You can’t determine at this stage what is a list of values: all these elements are stored as binary contents in several rows. As opposed to universes, you can’t retrieve specific elements from a LOV.

1.2/ The Security domain

The security domain contains 19 tables. LOV details are stored in 2 tables : OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS and OBJ_M_UNIVERSES.

1.2.1/ Table OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS

This table is linked with OBJ_X_DOCUMENTS through the following join: M_DOC_N_ID = X_DOC_N_ID.
The LOVs are referenced by the rows which have the following property: M_DOC_M_TYPE = 8.
You can retrieve their names with M_DOC_N_NAME.

The M_DOC_M_LAT column gives you useful information relating to the last action type. Value 1 means that you have logically deleted the LOV through the Supervisor module, all the rows of the document domain have been deleted but the LOVs are still being stored in OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS until you have done a scan, repair and compact of your security domain.

1.2.2/ Table OBJ_M_UNIVERSES

The M_UNI_N_LOV column gives you the number of LOVs associated to the M_UNI_C_FILENAME universe which are stored in the repository. This means only customized LOVs - and not all - which have the radio button ‘Export with universe’ checked.

1.3 / Universe domain
The LOVs' details are stored in the UNV_OBJCONTENT table.

1.3.1/ Column OBJ_LOVID

UNV_OBJCONTENT is linked to the table OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS with the following link : OBJ_LOVID = M_DOC_N_ID.

Important : Note that when you delete a list of values from the repository and after running a scan, repair and compact, the OBJ_LOVID keeps its value even if the row has been deleted from OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS. So it means that the link is obsolete.

1.3.2/ Column OBJ_LIST_VALUES

This column contains some more information on list of values.

It contains the LOVs' names and tells you whether the ‘Associate list of values’, ‘Allow userd edit lov’, ‘Auto refresh before use’ and ‘Export with universe' properties are checked or not for the universe. All these options are in the Designer module.
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