Hi guys I'm new to the COM World. I'm coding in X++ on Microsoft Axapta and I'd like to find out if a com object is available for a specific methods: StgOpenStorageEx and probably IPropertySetStorage both located in the OLE32.dll.
The class name of a COM object is supposed to be either its ProgID (programmatic identifier) or CLSID (class identifier):
ProgIDs have the following format: <program>.<component>.<version> (e.g. "AXAPI.Axapta.1 "). Note that the version element of the ProgID can often be omitted.
CLSIDs are 128 bit values and have to following format: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} (e.g. "{80F444A1-46FF-11D2-8459-0008C7A0D1EA}").
The thing is I don’t know the <program>.<component> format for the methods I'm looking for (StgOpenStorageEx and IPropertySetStorage) and I don’t know any possible CLSID ether.
I obviously need more info on how to access a specific COM and there format. I'm not expecting any one to know X++ or to past me X++ code because X++ is applicable only to Axapta ERP developed by Navision with Microsoft an recently purchase by Microsoft.
If you guys have references or examples in any language I would appreciate it a lot
Thx for you feedbacks
The class name of a COM object is supposed to be either its ProgID (programmatic identifier) or CLSID (class identifier):
ProgIDs have the following format: <program>.<component>.<version> (e.g. "AXAPI.Axapta.1 "). Note that the version element of the ProgID can often be omitted.
CLSIDs are 128 bit values and have to following format: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} (e.g. "{80F444A1-46FF-11D2-8459-0008C7A0D1EA}").
The thing is I don’t know the <program>.<component> format for the methods I'm looking for (StgOpenStorageEx and IPropertySetStorage) and I don’t know any possible CLSID ether.
I obviously need more info on how to access a specific COM and there format. I'm not expecting any one to know X++ or to past me X++ code because X++ is applicable only to Axapta ERP developed by Navision with Microsoft an recently purchase by Microsoft.
If you guys have references or examples in any language I would appreciate it a lot
Thx for you feedbacks