found it Wasnt quite what I thought. Appologies but here you go anyway.
Modifying Imported Mailboxes using asetpass command
This import file does not allow for configuration of FCOS, LCOS or different types of MWI other than DTMF. These can easily be set using the asetpass command from the command line.
Where m1 identifies the first mailbox when changing a range of mailboxes.
m2 identifies the last mailbox when changing a range of mailboxes.
pw= new passcode
tt= y to enable or n to disable the tutorial
+s sets the passcode to be the same as the mailbox number
+r sets the passcode to a random number, this is number is displayed on
screen after asetpass has run.
of= existing FCOS number, 100 for all. Used as a filter when changing
mailbox FCOS.
fc= new FCOS number. Used with of to change mailbox FCOS
ol= existing LCOS number, 100 for all. Used as a filter when changing
mailbox LCOS.
Ic = new LCOS number. Used with ol to change mailbox LCOS
om1= existing message waiting type #1, 100 for all. Used as a filter when
changing mailbox mwl.
mw1 = new message waiting type #1. Used with om1 to change mailbox mwl type.
om2= existing message waiting type #2, 100 for all. Used as a filter when changing mailbox mw2. .
mw2 = new message waiting type #2. Used with om2 to change mailbox mw2 type.
Mailboxes created using import tool in range 2000-3000. To change FCOS from 1 to 20, set all passwords to 1234, LCOS from 1 to 20 and MWI 1 to Mitai, use the following command :-
Mailboxes created using import tool in range 2000-3000. To change FCOS from 1 to 20, set all passwords to same as mailbox number, disable tutorial and set MWI 1 to Mitai, use the following command:-
The asetpass will report if passcode has been changed or if tutorial has been set for each mailbox and the number of mailboxes changed but no other information. This will be displayed on screen or can be written to a file. To write to a file add the following to the asetpass command ">>/tmp/{filename}" e.g.
here are a couple of commands the instructor gave us in the classroom:
Useful Linux commands for NuPoint
Logging In – text console
Login as admin - goes to Linux Server Manager console
Login as root - goes to NuPoint text console
Login as root (NuPoint text console) then exit to the Linux command prompt #
From the Linux command prompt
To go back to NuPoint text console
# console
To go back to Linux Server Manager console
# su admin
To exit
# exit
To check the license status of the server
# db licensekeys show
Look for the Signature line which shows a long number (OK) or an error.
To view information about the server hardware and installed apps
#dmidecode |more
The |more will pipe it page by page. Space bar to page report, enter for line by line. Shows server hardware. This is also available in the MSL Server manager menu System Information
# getids -l
Shows all installed application blades
To Unlock the Web Console:
# unlocksona
To show line events (like event recorder)
# vccs
To show line events Message Waiting Indicator
# vccs -m
To bringup vccs menu
# vccs -h
To capture the vccs use a file or use putty logfile option 'printable output'
To shutdown NuPoint use normal shutdown procedure or from Linux:
# stopnpm
To start NuPoint service in Linux
# startnpm
To shutdown MSL from putty use:
#shutdown -h now
To monitor email/exchange activity between NPM and Exchange server
# cd /usr/vm/log/msblogs
# tail -n20 msblog.txt show 20 lines only
# tail -f msblog.txt will show log in real-time
# cd /var/log
# tail -f messages
To find a command type first few letters and press tab
To find the unlocksona command enter:
# unl <tab>
unlink unlockr unlocksona
To find a file if you cannot remember the path
To find the msblog.txt file
# find / -name msblog.txt
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