Hi,<br> I got 'List Index Out Bounds [4]' Error when I try to connect Platinum Infosession (32 bit) using TDatabase. Platinum Infosession (32 bit) is VDB(Virtual Database) to access/update information from/into mainframe. The errors appear when I try to access both Infosession and SQL7 sequentially.<br> I've already raise exception to allow application keep running. But it always break the application when it hit 'Index out of Bounds' error.<br><br>The Code =<br>try<br> InfoArts.Connected := True;<br>except<br> Memo.Lines.Add('...error!!')<br>end;<br><br>and also trying to raise an exception =<br><br> try<br> InfoArts.Connected := True;<br> suc2 := true;<br> except<br> on E: EDBEngineError do begin<br> err_msg2 := E.Errors[4].Message;<br> Memo.Lines.Add('Database Connection error(EDBEngineError) : ' +<br>E.Errors[4].Message);<br> suc2 := false;<br> end;<br> on E: EVariantError do begin<br> Memo.Lines.Add('List out of line error : ' + E.Message);<br> suc2 := false;<br> end;<br> end;<br> on...(and more...)<br>end;<br><br>How to let the application running without break if this exception raised?<br>What Error Code should I used?<br>Thanks in advance.<br><br><br><br>