I am going to make a form that will show a list of 'keywords', and the user will be able to select multiple keywords from that list to describe a record.
The problem that I'm having is that can't think of a way to save a list within a single entry. For example, from a list of keywords, the user chooses 'apples', 'oranages' and 'bananas' as the three keywords that best describe that record. What I want the user to see when they view the record later, is a list box with those three elements in it where they can add or delete elements, but not edit them.
I'm thinking of making two list boxes side by side, kind of the same idea that the Form wizards use to get you to select fields for that form.
I could simply write the keywords to a text field and separate them with commas or semicolons or something. But the problem is that the user could mess up this format when editing the contents of the text box (which they would have to be able to do to remove keywords), and that would make queries on 'keywords' be ineffective.
If anyone has any suggestions about this please let me know. If my explanation of what I'm looking for has left you scratching your head, please ask me questions so I can better clarify myself.
I am going to make a form that will show a list of 'keywords', and the user will be able to select multiple keywords from that list to describe a record.
The problem that I'm having is that can't think of a way to save a list within a single entry. For example, from a list of keywords, the user chooses 'apples', 'oranages' and 'bananas' as the three keywords that best describe that record. What I want the user to see when they view the record later, is a list box with those three elements in it where they can add or delete elements, but not edit them.
I'm thinking of making two list boxes side by side, kind of the same idea that the Form wizards use to get you to select fields for that form.
I could simply write the keywords to a text field and separate them with commas or semicolons or something. But the problem is that the user could mess up this format when editing the contents of the text box (which they would have to be able to do to remove keywords), and that would make queries on 'keywords' be ineffective.
If anyone has any suggestions about this please let me know. If my explanation of what I'm looking for has left you scratching your head, please ask me questions so I can better clarify myself.